Recently Diagnosed - Please can anyone help with some questions

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  • 37 subscribers

Hello Everyone,

I really hope someone out there may have had a similar story to mine and can offer some advice, I've called the Macmillan and Cancer Research nurses who are wonderful and very sympathetic but I think asking the people who are experiencing it may help . Sorry if it's a bit of a long winded story!

I've been diagnosed with anal cancer. After three trips to my doctor they originally thought I had a thrombosed haemorrhoid which had developed a fissure, the pain was chronic and I lost control of my bowels too. Luckily I was referred to a great consultant who had me in theatre 2 days after seeing me and identified it wasn't a haemorrhoid but an ulcer. Biopsy taken and emergency stoma operation 2 days later as due to the location of the ulcer the risk of infection and chronic pain in passing any movement had to be avoided so now have a loop stoma. I also had a secondary problem with a large fluid collection in the stoas muscle, they still do not know pending the lab results if this fluid is connected to the cancer or independent. The result of the fluid collection was intense leg pain in my right groin, leg area. I had this drained and after 11 days in hospital have been back at home for just over a week.

The CT scan thankfully has not shown spread and I had my MRI a week ago to determine staging and treatment, I have been told it will be treated by combo of chemo and radiotherapy. Still awaiting MRI results and very anxious about the outcome, it is the worse part waiting and feel for everyone who is going through the same. 

Has anyone else had the ulcer problem? I still have it even though it has shrunk but suffer constantly with it and am on strong pain relief. My mobility is limited as can hardly walk and also it bleeds which has now passed to my uretha passage too, they think this is due to the fissure. Any ideas on how soon after starting treatment will the ulcer go away as it is a direct result of the cancer?

I really want and need to get back to work, who have been very supportive but am only covered for 4 weeks paid sick pay and they are going to try and find a work around but I was hoping to do part time work from home. Please can anyone tell me about how the treatment affects you in your ability to work etc? I am really worried about the side effects I have read regarding the affect on your skin. My anus is already incredibly painful due to the ulcer so am scared that the radiotherapy will make it even worse. I am taking cocodamol and ibuprofen, do they give you extra pain relief? I've just had constant pain for almost 3 months because of the ulcer and it really does get me down at times, just want to be prepared as possible and get some facts.

Sorry again for such a long post and thank you for taking the time and reading it all and any help, advice.

Take care everyone and stay strong


  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the forum although I’m really sorry you’re having such a tough time of it right now!

    Just before I was diagnosed the lower colon team that I was referred to from my GP first diagnosed my cancer as an ulcer & the plan was to operate to repair it although during the operation they decided to biopsy instead as whatever was there had begun to invade my muscle, 7 days later I received my diagnosis! Things were a little uncomfortable prior to & after the biopsy but I wasn’t in a great deal of pain, having said that I had a fairly small tumour 2cm in diameter & 2mm deep & was staged as T1N0M0. 

    My treatment consisted of surgery to remove the tumour, apparently only 6/100 are diagnosed early enough to have the surgery although I think this also has much to do with the position of your tumour too, this was successful although there was a small area that only had clearance of 1mm so I was advised to have a reduced course of chemo radiotherapy as mop-up  treatment. I was in a similar situation to yourself as I only received a basic amount of sick pay but took the whole term of my treatment off & returned to work 5-6 weeks after treatment had finished, the fatigue was the biggest hurdle for me during treatment I couldn’t get through the day without napping! Also the 2 weeks after treatment had finished was when my symptoms peaked. There is the odd person that’s worked throughout their treatment but I suppose it depends on the line of work you’re in. I’m now 15 months post treatment with no evidence of disease (NED).

    Regarding pain relief your oncology/radiotherapy team will make sure you have plenty I’m sure, mine were really good with meds & advice, they don’t want you any more uncomfortable than is absolutely necessary. 

    Please if there’s anything else you need to know don’t hesitate to ask.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Liz. I can help you with the treatment aspect of anal cancer...tho my story is quite different to yours...I'm assuming the treatment will be the same. I had a great gp who suspected what the cause for the bleeding I had was straight away....anal cancer. Diagnosed April 2017...and I'm still here! Anyway you must be shellshocked ..I know I was. I'm in UK....I was in hosp as in patient hooked up to a chemo drip for the first 5 days of treatment...chemo was 5FU and Mitomycin C. During that 5 days I had radiation every week day..and for the following 25days...and was in hosp again at the end for another 5 days of chemo. This is standard treatment called the Nigro Protocol. The chemo was easy in comparison to the radiation. It was ok for 4 weeks but the last week and the 2 weeks after treatment ended was the worst. The radiation keeps working for a long time after treatment ends...and I had flare ups for months afterwards. Fatigue and the burns on everything south of your navel are bad...not going to lie. I was on Orimorph every two hours..and I couldn't wear underwear for weeks....but they will sort out all pain relief needed...dont try to be a hero...try to keep up the meds to control pain. There's alot more info I can give you re helping through treatment and issues you might have...though as you have stoma it may be different for you...but please just ask. I know some other ladies in UK who didn't have to be in patient for chemo and they had a pump at home or tablets....but I had to be in with a drip. It depends on your area and oncologist  I guess! Good luck. Penny.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola

    Thanks so much for replying and I am really happy to hear that you have the all clear, how wonderful! My ulcer is to big for them to remove and they have advised treatment will be chemo/radiotherapy hoping to avoid surgery to remove the tumour. Am hoping find out this week about the is really worrying not knowing but everyone has been in the same boat as me.

    5 to 6 weeks seems to be the average that people need to recover from the treatment, I am really surprised it's that long but I guess I will just have to see how I get on. I am a Team Manger in a contact centre so can do remote call quality listening and scoring from home, so maybe I will be able to do some work.....

    Thanks again for taking the time to write to me and take care.

    Liz x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Penny

    Thanks so much for your reply and sounds as if you had pretty aggressive treatment and have been through a lot, but fantastic news that it cured it. That is what I am focusing on, that I will beat it! I'm hoping this week I will find out the staging and so the treatment and am sure will have lots of questions especially if have the Nigro Protocol, am really in the dark until hear from my consultant. I don't think the stoma will change anything about my treatment as the reason I had it was due to the ulcer and to try help relive the pain and avoid infection from using my bowels.

    It is encouraging to hear of the positive results people have had, I admit I am scared and up and down emotionally but am lucky to have great emotional support.

    Thanks again Penny and I will most definitely be back in touch once know more.

    Take Care

    Liz x