
  • 9 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all

14 weeks post treatment 

Just wondering if anyone suffered with a constantly aching bum / bum cheeks , I also got a couple of piles during treatment , although my skin is healed whenever I use anusol it leaves my skin sore , 


  • Hi, I've finished treatment in August and have had the aching on/off as you have described. I have wondered if it is due to the fact I can't sit upright as normal and has something to do with the way I have been lying/sitting. It's particularly achy in 1 cheek for some reason. I've also had pain in my tailbone on/off.   Could you check with your key nurse or radiotherapy team? Mine are very good at answering any queries that I have. I'm not sure about the piles issue. x

  • Hi ,

    I’m 15 months post treatment but remember soon after treatment had finished I had a permanent ache in my right bum cheek, mine definitely felt like a muscular ache, I also ended up with sciatica on that side too!… I would mention the piles situation to your medical team maybe they can suggest an alternative cream? My skin was a little inflamed when I had my last check-up a couple of weeks ago & when I asked my oncologist if he could suggest something he said sudocrem was one of the best things as it’s antiseptic & also acts as a barrier cream too. 

    Hope you get some advice/relief soon. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thankyou it's good to no others have had the same , the piles arnt bad I had them when I had my check up with the oncologist but didn't think to ask what's best for them , I'm finding at the moment the flamigel I had is good on them , 

    Thankyou for your reply

    Lisa x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    It seems we all seem to suffer from the same kind of things on and off , I have rang the radiotherapy nurse and she said its quite normal in the healing process ,others feel the same , think we just worry about aches and pains.

    Thankyou for replying

    Lisa x

  • FormerMember

    Yes I am about the same - 10!weeks unless you count the one week back in hospital beginning of Aug for a transfusion. Then it would be 8. 

    My bottom is very sore to sit. I am blaming that on the skin tag and I don't know what you mean by piles during treatment. Could they be skin tags? If so I am given to understand very skilled surgery can remove them. You could try asking your oncologist  though they are generally so busy. 

    I also have a sudden hair loss over the last week whereas I didn't before. I was scheduled for a PET scan in Nov but I am trudging in in a couple days to ask what is going on w the hair. I could ask my guy about surgery for the skin tag if that is the soreness problem or the very frequent BM are the soreness problems and get back to you. 


  • Hi, just an idea about the hair loss, are you anaemic? I had never been anaemic in my life until post-treatment. Both my white and red blood cell counts have been low due to the chemo. May be an idea to request a blood test. Anaemia causes tiredness and can also cause hair loss. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    RE: hair loss, it’s common to experience hair thinning post-treatment. The chemo completely stripes our hair of all nutrients so it can fall out and/or become brittle and weak.

    About 6 weeks post-treatment I noticed more hair than usual was coming out when I washed my hair. For me this continued for about 2 months before it stopped. I was advised to only wash my hair once a week and to not comb it when wet. I have long hair so it was easy to tie back in a pony tail. I also braved the hair dressers and had about 5 inches cut off, which really improved the condition of my hair. I also invested in some protein shampoo/conditioner of hair loss.

    I estimate that I lost about 40% of my hair. Whilst it thinned considerably know one would ever have noticed.

    I’m now 16 months post treatment, my hair is still thinner than it was pre-teament but I’ve got used to it and have it regularly cut to keep it looking in good condition. I suppose it will take much longer for it to return to how it was although I’ve recently found out I’ve started the menopause so that’s probably going to effect my hair also!!

    Anyway, just to re-assure you hair loss is a common long term side effect, you can do things to help it and its just temporary.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Sarah

    thank you for your reply. I wasted 20 minutes replying only to have an alarm clock erase it. Or whatever it is gone. 

    I replied to an expert and was told by the moderator that I replied in the wrong box. And do it over please. 

    When replying now the correct method is confusing because it says do not reply to this email. Then the site gives us a reply box that works. And a separate email reply. 

    I think the site manager needs to make this experience more user friendly because I can honestly say that the radiologist literally turned my life around two days ago and now I am a functioning person and it would be a dreadful shame to put communication in the too hard bin. 

    It is now way past my bedtime. 

    I thank you so very much for your helpful feedback and hopefully I'll reply tomorrow if this was in fact the correct route. It was not the route I just used that got wiped away. 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Gosh Sarah. I am terribly sorry. So I would not lose my reply I wrote it this time in Notes and then went to paste. Unless I am missing something the email reply box does not accept a paste. 

    So thank you so much for your reply. 

    This just went into the too hard bin. 

    Now that I have you publicly on line I would like to extend a thank you to our radiologist who changed my life to become functional with her advice on Imodium and a psyllium. This was contradicted by the oncologist who did not know the actions of either and he was dead wrong just as he was when he told me I would not lose my hair Joy

