5 days in and now bleeding.

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  • 36 subscribers

Hi all

My name is Richard and I was diagnosed with Anal cancer after a confusing 3 months of tests and uncertainness  I have an advanced tumor that has spread its tendrils into and around my anal regions and spread to all lymph nodes but locally contained within pelvis.   

I’m 5 days into chemo and radiotherapy  (chemo tablet is cap... something or other), metoclapramide anti sick pill and  Tomotherapy/Radiotherapy 

I’ve noticed a few of issues so far

1) my gut is going berserk with fermentation noises all day and night (ibs [treated] not helping)  driving me potty and horrid in loo, wind is terrible, is this normal and what drug is causing it?

2) external Tumour has started to harden with one lump of it seemingly rock solid  is this normal and is it good sign?

Finally 3) I’ve started bleeding from one area were tumour seems to have come away from side? Managing it but just  I’m scared to report it as do not want to be admitted.  

I’m lactose and gluten intolerant too which is not helping and have long term heslth issues re pain etc as well  

Feeling bit sh*tty (no pun intended) and gut driving me potty 

any ideas or wise words ?

trying to stay strong.


  • FormerMember


    Welcome to our wonderful forum, full of people at different stages in their anal cancers journeys ready to listen and help you.

    I was diagnosed with stage 3b cancer last March, my cancer had also spread to some of my pelvic nodes but was localised. Sounds like you’re having the same treatment as myself, daily oral Capecitabine and radiotherapy.

    The first side effect I noticed was bowel change. It can be hard to work out which treatment is causing what symptom. There is a lot of overlap as chemo and rad cause similar side effects.

    The side effects you are experiencing with your bowel/gut are normal, I experienced them to. Excessive wind and all sorts of gurgling and funny sensations. This will probably stay with you for the duration of treatment I’m afraid. Things will probably become very loose and urgent. The urgency may take you by surprise and you may find you feel vulnerable if you’re not close to a toilet. I would advise you always have bag with spare underwear, trousers, moist wipes etc  just in case. 

    Your hospital will be able to provide you with drugs to manage these symptoms. Mainly Loperamide but it can be a bit trial and error whilst you get the dosage right.

    I don’t have any intolerances but adapting your diet may also help your symptoms. Most hospitals will have a nutrionist who specialises in cancer patients on site for help and advise.

    In terms of your tumor, whilst I sympathise as its sounds very painful, I can’t advise as my tumor was internal. I couldn’t see or feel it and never knew it was there. So hopefully someone who has experienced something similar will get back to you soon with advise. Maybe some of the men on here will reach out.

    What I will say is DO NOT be scared to report anything. YOU MUST REPORT any changes or concerns that you have so you can be helped and more importantly re-assured. If your tumor is bleeding, breaking away there may be risk of infection. You are in a very challenging situation physically and emotionally, you will probably be thinking the worse as thats where our brains take us unfortunately. However, this treatment is very short and very manageable, your medical team won’t want you to suffer or for your treatment to be hindered because of any complications.

    Please tell yourself today that you will either call your hospital to speak with your nurse or, talk to someone tomorrow when you’re in. There will be a solution. 

    Take one day at a time and come on here anytime with any question. There will always be someone who will get back to you.

    The great thing about this treatment is that its very effective. My tumor had gone completely at my 3 month scans and I’m now 16 months in remission. Whatever you experience over the coming days/weeks keep this in the forefront of your mind.

    All the best.

    Sarah x