
  • 15 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi folks, I've not been on in a while, hope everybody is well!

I'm doing not bad, first MRI next Tuesday and results the following week so fingers all crossed for that.

The past two weeks I have had horrendous stomach cramps. I went to see my own GP who prescribed me more Buscopan, paracetamol and co-codamol and told me to go back this week if things don't improve. Anyway I was just wondering if anybody else has suffered, I'm assuming it's just normal as the radiotherapy will still be doing it's stuff so think I'm just looking for reassuring words that I know you lot are great are giving :) Xx

  • Hi, I finished my treatment in August and have had stomach cramps on and off which remain to date. It feels like someone is wringing my intestines with their hands. I have got them today. From all the information I have read, this appears to be normal after the dosage of radiation our pelvic area has taken. Hopefully someone can let us know how long these cramps last as they are quite debilitating. Hope all goes well with your scans, please let us know. Mine aren't due yet but I'm dreading it already. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi @thecannon79

    Lovely to hear from you. Glad you’re doing well other than the stomach cramps.

    Whilst unpleasant and unsettling this is a normal and longer term side effect of pelvic radiotherapy. The radiation really messes with our bowels and it can take a while, months rather than weeks I’m afraid, for it to settle down. Remember the radiation is still working in our systems for a good 12 months. Its total normal to experience IBS type symptoms, cramps, excessive wind, bloating, frequent toilet visits, urgency, loose stools etc.

    You may find that you have a ‘new bowel’ to get used to. We are all different of course, but for many of us our bowel never quite returns to how it was.

    I am 15 months post treatment and have got used to my new bowel. For example, I visit the toilet far more frequently than I did 2/3 times a day sometimes more. I have urgency which has improved greatly since I completed treatment but the first bowel movement of the day, I need to get to a toilet quick. I’ve noticed that my bowel can be sensitive to certain foods. If I eat fibre there are usually consequences, bloating, wind and sometimes cramps. My new bowel doesn’t get in the way of my life but I’ve had to adapt and change a few things.

    There is a medical condition called 'radiation proctitis' that some people can experience as a result of having radiotherapy. Its basically inflammation and can cause urgency, diarrhoea and can be really debilitating. However, doctors don’t tend to diagnose this until atleast a year after treatment as it can take that long for inflammation and other side effects to calm down. Something to bear in mind though if you feel things don’t improve or get worse. 

    Give it time though. Whilst treatment is very short, recovery can be quite long. 

    All the best for your scans and crossing everything that you get positive results.

    Sarah x

  • I have had horrendous cramps again this weekend so going to see if I can speak to someone about them when I'm up at hospital tomorrow.

    Also my hair has started coming out in handfuls again, it did this during the treatment but has been fine for the last month but the past week I dare brush it etc.

    Feeling a tad anxious about scan tomorrow, personally I found the MRI the worst scan out the lot, came out feeling very nauseous.

    Claire Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79


    Sorry to hear this, defo speak to your medical team, they will be able to give you some medication to help with this.

    I had long hair and didn’t loose any during treatment, but to my horror I lost hair gradually for about 2 months post-treatment. Every time I washed it a good handful would come out and I was scarred to comb wet, as more would come out. My hair texture changed as well, it became every dry and fragile. Chemo completely stripped the hair of its nutrients.

    After getting advise this is what I did. I only washed my hair once a week and I was extremely gentle when combing it wet. I researched on line and bought some specially medicated shampoo/conditioner for hair thinning/loss. I started taking supplements to strengthen my hair. I went to the hairdressers and got a good 4/5 inches cut off which made a real difference.

    After a couple of months, I noticed the hair loss had stopped however, I had lost about 50% of my hair. Nothing that anyone would have noticed but I knew. 15 months on my hair is still recovering and growing, I make sure I get it cut regularly, every 6 weeks to encourage growth and keep it looking in good condition.

    All the best for your scans tomorrow. They’re not pleasant I know, but there’s not getting away from then and they’ll be over before you know it. The hardest thing I find about the MRI is keeping still and trying not to worry that I’m going to sneeze or need the loo. Then the scanxiety starts and that’s the worst bit.

    I’m in the thick of scanxiety right now having had my annual scans recently. I get my results on Weds!

    Fingers crossed for us both lovely.


  • Thankyou Sarah

    I have a friend who is a hairdresser who deep conditioned and cut about 5 inches off my hair about a month ago so I will make sure I keep getting it cut regularly and I shall ask her for advice on shampoo etc. Like you I notice how thin it has become but not sure anyone else would. 

    All the very best to you for results day Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79

    Hi again

    This is the shampoo/conditioner I bought. A lot of people in the Instagram cancer community recommended it. Whilst I didn’t notice an immediate improvement, over time I think it definitely helped:

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79

    thanks  I’m very happy to say that I’m still NED!!!! X

  • That's brilliant news , congratulations X

  • This is excellent news, am so pleased for you  :) x