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  • 39 subscribers

two weeks ago diagnosed with the above still in the vowel wall and no spread  

i see my onlogist 9/10 to plan 5.5 weeks of Chemo radiotherapy 

consultant has said I will have an APR operation with permanent stoma after treatment 

just a bit all over the place at the moment 

  • Hi monzaman

    I was also diagnosed with T3n0m0 - on June 3rd 2019 so am about 3 months ahead of you! Am not at all surprised you are feeling all over the place. The whole thing is so daunting and life changing. I guess our good news is that the cancer hasn't spread to our lymph nodes or anywhere else and is localised and treatable. 

    Firstly, you have done the right thing joining this group which I have found to be very helpful in helping me come to terms with what has happened. I finished my 5.5 weeks of chemo radiation last Monday 2nd September and have written about that experience on another thread. I found it to be easier than I expected and was lucky not to have problems with side effects.  I am now taking it easy and though still vulnerable to side effects during this post treatment phase I am feeling ok on the whole with just some pain from the tumour that I am managing with pain relief. Like you, I have a permanent stoma which I have had since mid June and I have now fully adapted to it and find it to be fairly easy to use and not as intrusive to my lifestyle as I expected. It wasn't something I welcomed at first but frankly I didn't have an option, and its not really an issue now as I have a bigger issue to deal with!

    I am now waiting for the results of the treatment which I wont get until after I am scanned in 8-10 weeks time. I am hoping the tumour will have shrunk enough  for it to be removed and am anxious that I will also require some extensive surgery but it hasn't been specified exactly what this will comprise at present .   It could be very extensive or it might be more straightforward- but I have decided not to worry to much about that until it happens in a few months time. 

    So good luck with everything and I will happily keep you up to speed with my progress if it helps. Happy to answer any questions you might have about the chemo and radiation treatment experience anytime



  • Hi superfluid thanks for your reply I’m at the onlogist on Tuesday the start of my treatment plan 

    my consultant has already said that my op will be apr and that’s when I’ll have the permanent stoma 

    so glad your treatment when well all the best for the future 

  • Yes please do keep me up to speed and thanks for bein so kind and open

  • Hi

    Welcome to the forum, although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us! 

    It’s all a bit of a whirlwind at this stage isn’t it? If anyone understands what you’re going through right now it’s us lovely lot. We’ve all been diagnosed with AC at different times & at different stages & we’re here to tell the tale so please if you have any questions or just want to have a general moan about the unfairness of it all then this is the place to do it.

    I was diagnosed in February 2018 & had my tumour removed  via local resection followed by 23 sessions of  chemoradiotherapy & am at present around 15 months NED.

    You'll find lots of support here, lots of helpful hints & advice for when you begin treatment & afterwards too, this forum was invaluable for me when I had my diagnosis & I continue to learn things here from others that have already been through what we’re going through. 

    Hope you’re oncology appointment goes well. 


  • Thanks Nikki and well done in 15 months 

  • Well just got back from oncologist and been told my tumour is t3n1m0 with 3 nods shows 

    oncologist still says very curable with APR surgery as they will be taking all the area away

  • Hi Monzaman

    Good to hear its all very curable- thats the main thing, and whilst it may seem daunting, it will be for the best in the long term. There are plenty of examples of people like us on this web site who have had the same challenge as us  but who are now living healthy, happy lives and I am sure the same will apply to us. Its just a case of taking each phase at a time. I feel like I have just completed phase 2- ie the radiation and chemo treatment phase- and am now in phase 3 where the treatment is still working and I am waiting for my scan. Phase 4 will hopefully be the operation and recovery. So, onwards and upwards and good luck with your next phase 


