
  • 8 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi , I finished treatment on the 14th June , I've had follow up exams with my oncologist and he said everything has healed and treatment was successful , I'm just wondering how many people had/have lower back ache around the coxix area it isn't particularly a pain just a dull uncomfortable ache .

Would love to hear from you 

Lisa x

  • Hi , 

    Yes I’ve suffered this intermittently since treatment, it was worse just after treatment & only happens occasionally now 14 months on. I also get very stiff after only sitting for a short time mainly in my lower back & hips & they also get quite achy at times. My oncologist told me before treatment that the radiotherapy being in the region it is in our case, can cause damage, fracture & sometimes, although this is quite rare, completely shatter the coccyx. I also suffered sciatica for quite a while afterwards too although that seems to have gone now. I don’t think these issues are uncommon unfortunately. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola 

    Thankyou for the reply , I did think it was quite normal due to the area that has been the main treatment site , I feel if sitting in always shuffling to try get comfy , although I'm not glad you had the same it's nice to no others felt the same .

    Once again thankyou

  • Hi, Thankful you came through treatment and now on the other side. I had lower back and hip pain after treatment also. It is related to the radiation we received and I went through therapy to help strengthen my muscles about 6 months out. 

    I am now 6 yrs cancer FREE Praise the Lord and have no hip or lower back pain. It does get better!!

    I did however develop Radiation Proctits about 18mnths out and have been dealing with this ever since! It is rare I'm told, so hopefully there are few here who will be effected!

    Good luck to you, Theresa

  • FormerMember

    Hi @Staffwaff

    Well done on getting through your treatment and congrats that its been successful. I am also a survivor, now 15 months clear.

    As others have said the aching is a normal side effect of the radiotherapy. This is something I began to experience about 6-8 weeks post treatment. I had aching in my legs, hips and lower back. For me it lasted quite some time, a good year, but it didn’t stop me getting on with life. I was advised to do weight bearing exercises so I started with yoga & swimming, then running and built up to aerobics. I also took a CBD oil supplement daily. 

    I believe exercise is key, motion is lotion as they say and much as been publicised by the NHS about the benefits of exercise not only for general health and well being but to aid healing. If the NHS could prescribe exercise they would!

    The aching in my legs and hips has now gone but I still feel it in my coccyx especially when sitting or long periods. I discuss this with my oncologist at every check-up appointment. He has never been concerned that I have damage to my bones however, my annual scans are due soon so he will investigate then. To be honest I think its just something I now have to live with but its a small price to pay and is really just a niggle.

    So bear with it, things will improve but be prepared that it might be slow. Exercise will help and if the pain intensifies then definitely flag with your oncologist and push for a bone density scan.

    All the best.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thankyou for your reply and well done you 15 months that must feel amazing.

    It does seem it is a side effect as I've now seen it's just nice to no it's not uncommon , I also took cbd oil throughout treatment , do you still take it now ? 

    I've gone back to work on a phased return so I'm keeping active I think I I need to look into yoga , did you to go classes of just do it on your own 

    It definitely is a small price to pay and I can definitely live with that 

    Thankyou again for your reply 

    Lisa x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I can’t believe I’m 15 months on, diagnosis and treatment all seems like a very distant memory. Life in remission still has it challenges but I can’t complain.

    I took CBD for a year, whether it helped or not, I don’t know but I’m pretty convinced it took the edge off my aching. I ran out about 3 months ago and haven’t notice any negative effects of not taking it. So I think I’ll leave it. Did you watch the programme about cannabis last night on BBC2, very interesting.

    I have always gone to yoga classes. I prefer to be in a class setting with someone who knows what they’re doing. I’ve always practised yoga but post-treatment I’m not so flexible in the hip area so its good to get advise from the teacher about adapting poses. 

    All the best with returning to work.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I no everything seems to move so quickly it's like a whirlwind , I have stopped taking it now but think I might start taking it again as I still have some left , I didn't watch it I'll have a look on catch up I have seen videos of children with epilepsy and people with Parkinson's and the effects are amazing.

    I will have to look in my area of there are any classes available to go to.

    Thankyou again

    Lisa x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I no everything seems to move so quickly it's like a whirlwind , I have stopped taking it now but think I might start taking it again as I still have some left , I didn't watch it I'll have a look on catch up I have seen videos of children with epilepsy and people with Parkinson's and the effects are amazing.

    I will have to look in my area of there are any classes available to go to.

    Thankyou again

    Lisa x