Need help in right direction Anal bleeding

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Hi i am 35 year old woman. I have had colonoscopy done July 19th and no polyps was found so doctor was happy. I had colonoscopy done because i am always iron deficiency and anaemia i get iron transfusion and b12 injections. I couldnt open my bowel for 22 days soon after procedure. On 22nd day i was able to open my bowel with ease no pain. Despite my good result in colonoscopy I have been bleeding from number 2 (anal) crimson blood quiet alot in amost 2 weeks now. Prior to this just over a few days earlier i passed thick blob of yellowy mucous bigger than s teaspoon and some more couple days later. At first i thought it came from vagina and had transvaginal done but nothing to explain the mucous discharges. Had never seen it before. Even tonight i have bled alot from rectum and my husband has been able to see the bloods. I can still open my bowel here and there and no pain. Should I go back to the doctors thst did colonoscopy or just wait see if bleeding stops? 


  • Hi ,

    It sounds as though you’re having a bit of a rough time at the minute!…  My personal view on any unexplained bleeding anal or otherwise is that it should be checked out by your Dr, apart from needing to know the cause of this bleed I’m sure it   won’t be helping your anaemia to be losing blood like this. Did the Dr’s that did your colonoscopy forewarn you that there may be any bleeding afterwards? This procedure was done around a month ago so if you’re still losing blood I’d definitely be inclined to get it checked out.
