Am I dreaming?

  • 7 replies
  • 38 subscribers

THE TUMOUR HAS GONE!!! I chased the MRI result by phone this morning to make sure result was in for appointment on 29th and the McMillan nurse gave me the result over the phone. The report said I've had an excellent response to the treatment and the 6cm x 4cm tumour has GONE. There is still an enlarged lymph node which can happen for various reasons. Nurse could not tell me I was 'in remission' but hoping Consultant will confirm it when I see him on 29th Aug. OMG! Stunned.

  • FormerMember

    I’ll say it again

    Amazing news, I am so happy for you and #fucancer!!!

    Another positive outcome for all of you who have recently been diagnosed, in active treatment, waiting for scans or results.

    Welcome to the NED Club!


  • Aw brilliant, fantastic news!!!

    Absolutely thrilled for you. Just had a little cry! 

    Deb x 

  • ,


    I’m absolutely over the moon for you.

    Nicola xx

  • That's fantastic news Hopefulat46

    Its so reassuring  to read positive news!

    Love Sarah's reply! The NED Club

    Take Care

    Crystal x x x

  • FormerMember

    What fantastic news! So reassuring for everyone going through the treatment/awaiting results.

    That call saved you 9 days of uncertainty too didnt it.

    You can actually look forward to your meeting now.

    Thrilled for you Slight smile

    Ian x

  • Wonderful news! It’s a great feeling. Welcome to the club! This foul treatment works, Kicking cancer’s ass! 


    Lady Tourelle

  • FormerMember

    Many, many congratulations on your brilliant news.

    I've just started my treatment (day 3), so I've a way to go before I get to your stage, but you're the evidence I need to keep plodding on ... no matter what gets thrown at me.

    Lots and lots and LOTS OF HUGS!
