Last one done

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  • 37 subscribers

So that's the last radiotherapy done. Very emotional morning!

Now I know everyone says things get a bit worse before they get better and I'm accepting of that and needing recovery time etc.

But those of you that have been through this, please tell me your tips for these next few weeks and months. What can I do to block out the feelings of whether it's done its job? how do you stay positive about that? Is there anything I can do, not do, eat, not eat, whatever to keep that radiotherapy doing its job.

I'm scared of sinking back into my 'what if' mode and dont want to spend these next few months worrying.

Love to know how you cope? 

Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    Firstly huge congratulations on completing your treatment & yes I agree that although I welcomed my last day I found it very emotional too. I also felt at a little bit of a loss for a few days afterwards as every day throughout had revolved around going to & from hospital. Having said that my symptoms/side effects didn’t really kick off until my last day of treatment so for the next 11 days I kind of just moved from bed to bath to sofa to bath then back to bed & spent a lot of that time napping as the fatigue really took hold along with the physical symptoms. 

    As far as getting through the coming weeks & months I suppose we’ve all dealt with this differently, personally as soon as I felt well enough I got out & about & tried to utilise my time so I didn’t have time to sit & think too much. I returned to work 5-6 weeks after treatment had finished, I only work part-time & it’s not a very physical job I’m mainly seated so it was quite easy & got a bit of normality & routine back into what had been a turbulent few months. Prior to treatment, following my diagnosis, I made changes to my diet, I felt I needed to be doing something positive to help give myself a chance of a healthier future! 

    I was told that the radiotherapy continues doing its thing for many months after your final zapping & nothing you do or don’t do will stop that from working it’s magic. 

    Just keep in the forefront of your mind that the chemoradiotherapy you’ve had is very effective treatment for this type of cancer & look how many of us just on here there are in full remission following this treatment & also those that are 5 years + post treatment & are now cured. 

    Keep posting here Deb, we’re always here if you need some support or advice & if we don’t have the answer then I’m sure one of us will be able to direct you to someone that does. 

    Congratulations once again.

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations for getting through it and coping so much better than you thought! Grin

    I'm 6 weeks post treatment now. You know I was super anxious all the way through my treatment. I was also worried about the success of the treatment. 

    There are a couple of facts that help get your mind in the right place though..

    The success rate is around 94% i believe.

    I read a fact from the QI programme that says 91% of all the worries anxious people have never come to pass.

    If you think about those two stats and you soon realise the odds are actually hugely in your favour.

    I'm managing to stay quite positive now. I'm getting back to some kind of "Normal" and trying to enjoy life a little more.

    The results are a couple of months away yet and I will cross that bridge when it comes.

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Well done, you have completed the treatment that you questioned whether you could at the start!  Job done!  The radiotherapy will continue working for some time regardless of what you do.  So enjoy where you are now (pains will pass in their own time and remind you that you are recovering).  My advice is to do what you feel able to, eat what you enjoy and look forward to the future.  Check ups will come sooner than you think.  Think positively - you have completed the biggest hurdle.  You got through to now so why give in to needless worry again.  It was proved unnecessary so believe that you can go forward to the future with positivity.  You are the in charge of your destiny.  Worry about 'what ifs' only wastes you enjoying your accomplishment of getting here!  Just remember each new day is a bonus that you never thought you'd see when you were worrying at the start!  5 1/2 years on I still look forward to tomorrow.  Yesterday has gone and you have a lifetime of tomorrow's to look forward to.  Worry won't achieve anything, but hope can make you happy.  Love. Mxx