3 month MRI on Saturday....

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  • 37 subscribers


Here I am, over 3 months post treatment. How do I feel? Numb. The whole situation is surreal. I've returned to work full time not knowing if this awful thing inside of me has gone. 

I had a private MRI to diagnose this cancer. It was very traumatic as I am claustrophobic. My post treatment scan this Saturday I have Valium for. Hope it works and the scan can be completed. Its to include my liver too I believe (whuch is where likely spread may be).

Cancer. The gift that keeps on giving! Well I've had enough of your surprises and hope you'll give me a reprive when I get the result of this MRI on 29th Aug.

  • Hi ,

    It can all feel a bit surreal can’t it? Everything seems to pass in a bit of a blur, from diagnosis to scans to planning to treatment & here you are 3 months post treatment! This realisation, I think, of everything that has happened, hits us all at different times, mine didn’t really surface until a year after treatment & just came out of the blue! I had tears then felt bad for crying as I’m disease free & so many still aren’t! A whole range of emotions in about half an hour but then I pulled up my big girl pants & got on with it. I’m lucky enough to be very good at compartmentalising things & unless it’s affecting me that particular day then I put it in a box until I need to deal with it again as with hospital check ups etc. 

    So I suppose what I’m trying to say is I completely understand how you’re feeling & I think it’s a perfectly natural response to everything you’ve been through. I hope the medication makes the scan a little less stressful for you & your results are good. Keep in touch & let us know how you get on. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.


  • FormerMember


    Nice to hear from you.

    How you are feeling is normal. Surreal is the word I always use to describe this experience. Even 14 months post treatment, I still find the whole thing surreal.

    Whilst its good that treatment for this cancer is over quick, we don’t get a lot of time to process. As one chapter ends, another quickly starts. Its such a massive emotional roller-coaster. We all try to return to ‘normal' after treatment but the reality is that we have a ‘new normal’ that only we understand. To everyone else we look like our usual self but inside we are different both physically and mentally. Over time it will get easier. The feelings that you have won’t necessarily go away but will move to the back of your mind.

    OK, so its the moment you’ve been waiting for, your post-treatment scans. A very anxious time, I remember it well. I know you’ve had a bump in the road recently, so this will be on your mind along with everything else. The actual scan process will definitely be helped by the valium, just try to remember its just half an hour in your whole day, in your whole life. MRI’s are usually of the pelvis and the CT scan is usually pelvis and full abdominal. Like me, your original diagnosis was NO metastatic spread, so its unlikely this has changed.

    Remember this treatment is very effective. Your mind will be taking you to other places but bring it back by telling yourself over and over that the treatment has worked. Whilst you’re waiting for the results, keep busy, do things you enjoy, be outdoors as much as you can and come on here to vent if you need to.

    We’re all behind you, sending positive vibes to the universe and back.

    Stand strong and good luck for tomorrow.

    Sarah x