radiation treatment only

  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Has anyone been treated for anal canal SCC    T1  with radiotherapy only?   If so I'd be interested in hearing how you got on?

  • FormerMember

    I have heard people say they know of some that had radio only. 

    I was told they might not use chemo on me when my treatment started and the IV gave me palpitations for a while.

    I was told that the treatment is all about the radio and people do have positive results from radio only.

    Though I think it more common to be given both radio and chemo running in random


  • Hi ,

    Personally my treatment consisted of both the radiotherapy &  chemo but I know of a couple of people, one of which I was speaking to only last week, that have had radiotherapy only. The person I was speaking with last week I think was staged T2 & so far, as far as I’m aware, has had a full response to the radiotherapy & clear results so far. At T1, like myself, you’ve been thankfully diagnosed very early, I’m now 18 months post treatment & thus far cancer free! 

    I hope someone that’s had this treatment regime spots your post & replies soon to reassure you.

    As far as I’m aware the chemotherapy side of things in the treatment of SCC AC is secondary to the radiotherapy, I think the capecitabine (this is generally the chemo tablets given) is an anti metabolite, which means it’s a cell inhibitor, it stops the cells repairing themselves whilst the radiotherapy blasts them, but the radiotherapy is the primary treatment.

    I hope this goes a little way to reassuring you. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    TBH I'm extremely anxious about it.    I was originally to have both and then they decided against it.  The chemo radiotherapy seems to be the best treatment.     I really hope someone replies, thanks for the replies so far.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    And I'm also wondering if it doesn't work do I get a second chance?     Can I do both at a later stage or will it be too late.

  • Hi ,

    Am I right in thinking it’s your oncologist that’s decided against the chemo side of the treatment? If so have they explained why? 

    As far as I’m aware with the radiotherapy you just get the one shot I’m afraid, you couldn’t have any more radiotherapy to that same area, any further treatment required would be surgical. 

    As awful as this diagnosis is though please try & take comfort in the fact that yours, as mine was, has been picked up very early & I’m sure the radiotherapy would blast the little beastie into infinity & beyond. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Why are you not having chemo, is this due to you an under lying medical condition? 

    You need to be as comfortable and confident as you can be before treatment starts. Please speak with your oncologist about your concerns and hopefully someone on here who’s experienced something similar, will contact you in the meantime.

    I’d also advise you email our resident anal cancer surgeon he will respond with his professional opinion if you give him your background.

    As others have said, the radiotherapy is the main treatment for this cancer and is very effective. I know there are people on here that have had their chemo temporarily or permanently stopped due to severe side effects. I will do a search today to see if I can find someone as they may not be currently active on the forum.

    Radiotherapy can only be given once. Chemo can be repeated for recurrence or spread but my understanding is it’s not an effective treatment for AC on its own. If treatment isn’t effective options are then usually surgical.

    I’m sure by doing all of the above you will gain more information and reassurance before you start your treatment. 

    Let us know how you get on.

    Sarah x