Week 4 update

  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all

Thought I'd give a little update on things so far for me! Week 4 now, with 8 radiotherapies left.

Things now getting sore and have gone into painkillers properly today. Week 1 I was really nauseas but I now put a lot of that down to anxiety. It settled after the first weekend. Week 2 was better, with a few headaches but felt largely ok. Week 3 great, no real symptoms, just a bit of pink skin in the groin area. Managing the toilet urgency takes a bit of tablet juggling but you do find the best routine after a bit.

Week 4 has been a bit different with the addition of an old absess rearing its head, so juggling antibiotics and had to get that aspirated. Worst bit so far for me is my bottom hole and going to the loo. Managing now with painkillers and some anesthetic gel. Lady bits now also sore, but they've given me some fab dressings which really help. I feel more tired now and a bit more blueghhh generally. I've driven myself into all appointments so far, but feel like I could do with dropping at the door now rather than the extra walk from car park etc.

I feel quite reassured that I'm coping on paracetamol knowing that theres much stronger stuff available for week 5 and beyond if needed.

Few surprises - I'm starving, all the time where I expected to lose my appetite. Nurses are really happy with this and say it's great for recovery if I'm eating well. My nails are gorgeous. Never ever had nails before and they've grown long and strong. My hair and skin are also in great condition!! This I think is because I've been drinking water constantly and gone off tea and coffee. Never really drank water before much!!

Anyway all in all  I'm ok. Sore but coping!! Fingers crossed that things don't change too much for the remainder of the treatment.

Oh and I've done lots of hypnotherapy, which has really helped keep my mind in check! 

Deb x

  • Well done Deb not long to go!! One thing I will say is watch you don’t get constipated that was by far the worst part of my treatment. I think it was the pain killers although I didn’t have loads. I was passing what felt like boulders it was really horrid. So Keep up with the water it should help ! Xx

  • Hi ,

    Thats all sounding really positive, keep up the good work & be kind to yourself over the coming weeks. I’d echo what  has said about the constipation especially if you go onto any of the opioid based pain relief, morphine, codeine etc., as these slow everything down which isn’t a problem if you’ve suffered with an erratic bowel but I didn’t & couldn't take any opioids at all as it really did feel as though I was trying to give birth through my bottom lol … I used Movicol softeners throughout the end of my treatment & still use them now as I suspect the stenosis has left everything tighter than it once was! I’ll just add I didn’t lose my appetite either, at all, & my recovery was really good post treatment, the first couple of weeks after were a bit ropey but I was back at work part-time 5/6 weeks later.  

    Have you thought of maybe getting some meditation guidance too? My sister & youngest daughter have both suffered with anxiety & found this helps loads, my sister is a yoga teacher & now builds meditation into her classes a lot. 

    We go into this treatment expecting the very worst that can happen but the effects just accumulate slowly & we manage as they do don’t we? 

    I know how much you were struggling in the beginning of all this so I for one would like to give you a massive virtual pat on the back for coping so well. 

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember

    Great news Deb. Your coping brilliantly. 

    One tip going forward with pain killers. If you feel the need to go upto cocodemol or the like  they will initially help with urgency but will also constipate you over time, especially if you use the 30/500 strength ones.

    I am sure you will cope though as it's all about tablet juggling again.

    While I was on chemo the cocodamol help with the urgency.

    Afyer treatment though drop the lopramide, take senna to clear things if needed but most importantly, take a softener like lactolose. You can take the two together if need be, they do different jobs. But a softener is a life saver if you feel like you giving birth on the loo.

    Nearly there now!

    Ian x

  • FormerMember


    Love this post! obviously I wish you weren’t having to go through this  but you’ve come so far and the finishing line is now just in the distance. 

    This treatment and it’s side effects are horribul but you’ve coped extremely well considering your initial anxieties. I hope by the end of this you will feel proud of yourself and realise you very resilient. 

    In terms of medication, everyone’s advise is spot on particularly in terms of side effects like constipation. I had a try of all the meds but in the end got through on paracetamol, along with gel and dressings for my skin as I wasn’t in too much pain. 

    I think drinking all that water definitely has its benefits outside and in.   The challenge will be making it a permanent fixture. I never drank enough water but I’m better post treatment. 

    All the best for week 5 and counting down. 


  • FormerMember

    Well done Deb, you’re doing brilliantly.  Not far now.

  • FormerMember

    Well done!  I did say count down to the end, and that is where you are now, the end is in sight in a week and a half!  Time to worry about the effects of medication once your treatment has finished! They helped you through to the end, regardless of side effects and that was the end goal, and you're there!  Onwards and forwards.  Together we can get there!  Love. Mcx