Three Years Three Cheers !!

  • 6 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Got that one from Mary!! 

3 year check up today and all good for another 6 monthsBlush

Still don’t get any scans to back it up onc thinks this isn’t necessary so I guess I will have to trust him. 

I asked if my tumour was HPV as no one had ever mentioned this, he said we don’t test for HPV but most of these cancer are from this. 

So still no the wiser he said keep up with Smears which I had done recently and was clear. 

So that’s Cervix Bum and Breast all tested in the last few months !! 

That will do me for now!! Xx

  • Well...well done you! Bet that feels good!

    I’m in the same boat, no scans as my onc feels it’s not necessary. 

    No official scan since six weeks post treatment! 

    I too was told it was due to HPV, but have never had signs of viral effect on smears.

    Really does nothing for my confidence although I know I should trust her more! 

    I have my five year check and discharge in December, whoop whoop!, but I shall insist on that final scan. 

    Only thing not checked lately is my cervix, and that is beyond reach now thanks to treatment! And no one is going up there! 

    Much Love. 

  • Thanks Mary you have supported me from day 1! I’m really pleased you are getting close to the 5 year mark it feels like an age but actually passes quiet quickly!! 

    You do right I think we should all have a signing off scan I like you will ask for one. It’s good to know this is a very treatable cancer but as the patient a bit of reassurance would be welcomed. 

    5 years now god cervix luckily I don’t have too much of a problem I think it’s use it or lose it Joy

    take care and looking forward to celebrating in December xx

  • FormerMember


    Fantastic news! thanks fir sharing this gives all of us behind you hope that we will get to 1, 2, 3 years and beyond. 

    I queried HPV with my oncologist recently. He said around 70% of SCC are HPV driven but the only way to know for sure, would be to test a previous biopsy. Some people like to know, although knowing your HPV or not doesn’t really change anything. There’s no drug you can take to get rid of HPV.

    He said the important thing was to remain in the cervical smear programme. Which I intend to do but I’m quite worried about having the procedure. Anyway I’ll deal with that when it comes to it. 

    I hope you’ve celebrated your good news accordingly. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Liddyloo


    Wow you are so close to that 5 year mark, must be a surreal feeling. Again, it’s great to hear and gives me and everyone else hope we’ll get there to. 

    As a matter of interest did you try to have any smears post treatment? Mine is due in April but I’m not looking forward to it as I have vaginal stenosis! not sure what to expect. 

    The scanning protocol between hospitals is interesting. There doesn’t appear to be any consistency. Some people have annual or 6 monthly scans, others just DRE’s. I have annual scans.

    Yes you must insist on that final scan!


  • Thanks Sarah your right knowing if we had HPV doesn’t make any difference now but to make sure we remain vigilant to any changes Is probably our best way and keep as healthy and active as best we can. 

    Hopefully your smear next year will be ok, I think I read somewhere it was done under sedation on one lady ?? 

    Cross that bridge next year!! Xx

  • Woo hoo!!… congratulations , I’ve always been told by both my oncologist & surgeon that by far the most reliable way to check for AC is DRE, my tumour was undetectable on both my diagnostic MRI & CT but my surgeon said he could definitely feel it! I also asked about HPV but it was kind of brushed aside but as you’re doing as long as we keep up with our smears etc., it makes little difference does it? 

    Also got to congratulate  on careering towards discharge, somewhere we all look forward to reaching I’m sure. When I was first diagnosed & joined the forum you were one of the members that answered many of my questions & made me feel like I wasn’t alone in all this, for this I’ll be eternally grateful. 

    Regarding smear tests, I had one just before my surgery in March 2018 & I’ve have been told if it’s not possible to perform future ones the usual way because of stenosis etc., then they’ll be done either under sedation or a general anaesthetic. I’m also looking at having my coil removed next year, yikes!! but I’ve been told the same regarding this, if it’s too uncomfortable then sedation it is! 
