?recurrent anal cancer

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  • 37 subscribers

Hi all, I went for my 3 monthly check, feeling quite uncomfortable. (I had a T4 and chemoraditherapy)

My consultant is quite sure it's recurrent in the vaginal area. I was waiting for an APR to relieve serious bowel problems. I have a permanent colostomy already.

Seeing surgeon tomorrow at Salisbury and pet scan Thurs and mri next Monday. 

Has this happened to anyone else on this forum? 

I am really scared of the APR surgery, are there any other options available. I'm a nervous wreck waiting yet again.

Thanks deb

  • Hi Deb. So sorry to hear that you may have a recurrence. I can completely empathise with how you’re feeling.  I had chemo radiation in late 2015 for my AC and was told I had a recurrence in almost exactly the same place in September 2017. And told that the only viable treatment was an APR.  I was distraught and desperately wanted there to be an alternative but more radiation or, particularly, Papillon treatment was not an option. 

    The thought of the surgery is certainly scary. It’s a big op and it’s hard to contemplate how many changes will happen to your body and what it’ll be like afterwards and what you might need to do to adapt. I’d be happy to try to answer any questions you have.  Eighteen months or so on though I’m pretty fit and doing more or less everything I did before. I’m just glad the option was available to me to hopefully get rid of the AC again. Next lot of scans are imminent though which always makes me anxious.

    i hope it went ok with the surgeon today and best of luck for your scans.