Tips on staying positive?

  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I am by nature a glass half empty kind of person I don't want to be and i do work hard to try not to be.

I'm just feeling so down. Week 3 of treatment about to start and I know that's when things start getting a bit unpleasant. I know the mind is such a big obstacle in dealing with situations like this, and I'm constantly trying hypnosis and meditation, but every morning I wake up just wanting to cry, scream, shout, why me? I look forward to going to bed, just to escape my thoughts a while.

I look on Facebook and it seems that everyone else is having this wonderful life, all happy, going out, going on holidays and here am I, in this crappy situation, constantly petrified with unknowns and feeling rubbish. And then I feel guilty as of course that's not the case and many people are facing a lot worse rubbish than I am.

And then what if doesn't work? 

How, oh how do you stay positive through this? I just want a magic wand to at least give me the strength and positivity to find my way through.

Apologies for such a depressing post on a sunday morning. I want to feel differently, but keep sinking back into the black hole.

Deb x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb,

    Yes, this is a horrible situation to find ourselves in. I don’t think there’s any way to actually enjoy the next few weeks, but you will have moments when things feel OK.

    I’m keeping off Facebook and social media as it always makes me feel awful.

    and yes, you’re right. It’s not fair that we have this horrible thing. I am more fit/healthy/eat better/don’t drink as much/fill in blank than them and I have cancer and they don’t. But it’s happened and we have to just get on with it. At least we have the NHS.

    Some things that help me:

    - making sure I’m warm/cool enough

    - making sure I’m not hungry or thirsty.

    - taking naps

    is remarkable how I can go from ‘can’t stop crying’ to feeling OK once I’ve got the basics sorted. Remembering to take painkillers for the pain in the bum feeling helps too.

    Then doing a bit of exercise helps, tidying something manageable like a drawer, watering the garden. Little chores make me feel I’m getting something done. Also plan stuff for when you’re past treatment, so you have something to look forward to.

    and remember: you will still get better if you’re bad tempered. It’s not compulsory to be happy for your treatment to work. All those people who say ‘stay positive’ are actually saying ‘please don’t be upset because it will upset me’ 

    Hang in there, next year you’ll look back on this summer and be glad it’s gone.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Do they do painkillers for metaphorical pains in the bum? ... like the people that I work with/for

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    On a more serious note ...

    I'm loving Facebook at the moment because it gives me the chance to show my "friends" that life isn't always a barrel of fun for everyone ... and that there's something pretty shitty (excuse the word) going on in MY life right now!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I’m with you I regularly post on Facebook and Instagram the good, bad & ugly. It’s a great way to normalise and educate, as well as gain support and a sense of community. Before I found this forum I found a great cancer community on Instagram, and felt less isolated as a result. 

    People have no idea what AC patients go through as the side effects are pretty much invisible and not always easy to talk about. Most of us look ‘normal’ even during treatment which can be a blessing as well as a burden. I was regularly told “you look great” and people then assumed “they’d caught the cancer early” as a result. Quite annoying at times as I was stage 3. If only  I’d been able to show them my under-carridge what a shock they would have had!

    I talk openly and frankly about it all, it’s important people are better informed and less embarrassed. People may catch it earlier as a result. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb,

    How are you today? Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you. Hope things are easier than at the weekend, you’re nearly half way through now.

    i wanted to message you directly but can’t see how to!

    best wishes,

    Trish xx

  • Hi , 

    Have you connected with  with a friend request? If not if you click on her name on the post it’ll take you to her profile page & you’ll be able to send her a friend request from there by clicking on the ‘add friend’ just under her name, once this has been accepted then you’ll be able to private message back & forth if you prefer that to posting on the forum.

    Hope this helps, any problems just ask. 
