
  • 3 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Did anyone else suffer with terrible nausea when they started treatment?.

It seems I'm quite unusual and they're working to control it for me, but it's making me feel rotten. I'm on the tablets rather than the picc line.

Just wondered if anyone has experienced similar and what helped? 

Deb x 

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear that Deb. 

    Normally people tolerate this firm of chemo really well. 

    From what you have said recently,  I think it's anxiety based. 

    Agree you still on the diazepam?

    I sure they will find a solution.  All you need is a day or so without the nausea and you will feel less anxious which should cure the problem. 

    Ian x

  • Hi. I had awful nausea the first week.  After about 2 ir 3 days.  Awful journey to the radiotherapy by train & tube.  Then at home I couldn't get out of bed or eat.  Like the worst hangover.  I stopped the anti nausea pills on the following Sunday (Monday start) and felt much better!  Ate things like buns and croissants and tuna sandwiches.  It was gone by the Monday so lasted a about 5 days.  I was dreading the second round but not nearly as bad so I think it was the Mitomicyn on Day 1 rather than the 5FU (which I had pumped in via a PICC line). Sx

  • Hi Deb,

    If it’s of any help my oncologist told me with this chemo regime it’s the mitomycin that can cause the nausea rather than the Capecitabine tablets which are generally well tolerated, although having said that we are all different, hopefully once this weeks over it’ll begin to settle down,

    Nicola xx