Where there's life there's hope!!

  • 8 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Bowed out last month cos I felt that my experience was so many years prior and perhaps the situation regards treatment is so different these days.  Would just like to call in again and tell you all that I had my 51/2 year check up today and all OK!  Since I was there last year the layout and procedures in the outpatient department had changed!!  After waiting for an hour went up and queried the delay (15 mins quoted on the board!). To be honest I have been so grateful for my treatment that a delay is no problem!!

Long story short - everything OK!  On my own now and that is where my problem starts!!  The check ups, and the reassurances have finished!  On the other hand I can leave the way open for others starting on their journey, now that I have finished the journey.  To all starting - keep thinking that you will get there!   Don't ever think that you will never get there!!  Mind over matter!!  If I can do it, so can you.  Please just keep hope in your heart - it doesn't always work but it can in the majority of cases keep you going for the long run.  Where there's life!!  Love to all.  Mxx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations on your good news.

    I hope that although you've resigned that you will still be lurking around in the background and if you see someone in need of your guidance you won't hesitate to come back on site and give your calming and helpful advice to our new members when needed.

    Best wishes for the future and remember don't be a stranger there's always be a welcome here for you.

    Many thanks


  • Hi M,

    Congratulations on your discharge & may your good health continue long into the future. I totally understand what you mean about the security of check-ups & the reassurance being gone though! It’s a day I sincerely hope I reach but also in a weird kind of way I dread too, I can imagine it’s akin to feeling a little abandoned although I’m sure you’ll have been made aware of someone you can contact if you have any concerns. As Ian has said I do hope if you feel you can you still  keep an eye on what’s going on here as those that have been on this journey, regardless of how long ago, have invaluable experience to share with newly diagnosed folk, treatment regimes etc., may advance but we’re all here for the same reason & I think many that visit this forum are looking for not only advice but emotional support & sometimes just a listening ear.

    Many congratulations again.

    Nicola xx

  • FormerMember

    What a wonderful, positive message to wake up to. Congratulations and thanks for sharing. For those of us who are out the other side of treatment, 5 years seems like a lifetime when coping with the challenges that remission brings. Messages like this give hope and thank goodness you are still on here, as I bet all the other people who’ve been dis-charged prob left the forum a long time ago. 

    You are officially ‘cured’ revel in the fact and enjoy your life.

    Sarah x

  • Congratulations Happylady!

    You give the rest of us hope, it’s a story that when newly diagnosed, you want to hear. Although things may have changed slightly over the years, getting where you are, is where we all want to be. I’ve said many time this site is invaluable, i didn’t post while going through treatment, but I read all the other posts and i got both comfort and strength from you all. 

    Hope you are doing something nice to celebrate!

    Take care

    Crystal x x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your lovely message, and to all others who liked my post!  As stated before I jusrs rst started dabbling at the end of last year on this site!  Just got on with it when diagnosed, and continued on my own.  Had no back up or support, but not complaining, just how it was!  You have obviously had a longer, harder journey, but you are still here encouraging others, so thank you so very much and best wisaveavaaaahes for your future whatever the outcome - but you seem to be positive in your outlook just like me!

    There were so many lovely encouraging messages/likes to my post on Tuesday!  I really. W mean it whe stop waffle  sI say where there is life there is hope.  When given diagnosis you have 2 options - accept the worst or try to get past it.  And I believe that you want something enough you can achieve it.  It won't always achieve the outcme you want, but keep on fighting  for your future.  Will stop waffling now(always do!). Just read tonight a post from Mrs Fitz about her father, stage 4 tumour 8cmx?  Mine was 68mm X 58!  Didn't realise how big/bad my tumour was.

    Will probably get shot down in flames for what I am about to say, my late diagnosis was mainly my fault because I didn't report my symptoms earlier/just ignored them.  Waffling on again!!  Finally have to blow my own trumpet.  73 today and never thought I'd never would have got past 67!  Keep on with your good work.  I'd love to help in the future  Mxx

  • Happy belated birthday wishes for yesterday M, hope you had a wonderful day & may there be many more to come.

    Nicola x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Bodach, Ian

    Meant to send a message just to you but put it up on the site to all and sundry!  Not very tech savvy, still haven't worked out how to like posts - manage it now and again!  Have read your profile and that was I messaged that you have had many more problems than me and yet you are here encouraging others in their fight while anticipating the next stage in your long battle - I wish you all hope for the future.  Now that I have admitted to being 73, think I might being one of the older ones on the site!  Haven't filled in my profile since I only started dabbling last year, four years after diagnosis and want to stay private as far as possible.  My husband doesn't know that I am on this site!  Nothing sinister, but his first wife died from cancer and he was devastated when I was diagnosed  22years later.  How could it happen again, albeit a very different cancer!  Anyway enough waffling as I always do!!  You are so stoical in your outlook.  Do you have a wife and family to support you in your 'quest' to a healthier future.  Won't say happier because you sound happy and accepting of your life now.  Would love to hear from you with updates as to your progress.  When I started dabbling , you gave me hope.  So I hope to repay that from me and all the others you have helped.  Look forward to keeping in touch in the future.  Happy to be older than you!  Love Mxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for your very nice message and I'm glad that you think I've been of help to you in your journey.

    Never be afraid to come on here and "waffle" that's what the sites all about everyone coming together and sharing each others good times and supporting in the bad times all are welcome to come on in and chat, have a rant and rave or just generally let off steam about anything under the sun we are all friends together and understand each others problems and if I've given you hope to carry on I'm pleased. Please move on from being a dabbler to a regular contributor I'm sure you have a lot to offer the other members especially the feelings of your husband twice in a life time is too much for anyone to have to contend with. Take the plunge and let him see some of the posts and maybe he'll see that big advances in treatment have been in the last 22 years.

    I certainly look forward to reading your posts in the future and don't worry about being older than me, age is only a number that gets added to each year and yes I have a wife and family who support me and I'm thankful for them even although my wife is older that me, I'm her toyboy!

    Keep well for the future.
