2 weeks to go

  • 9 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Not really sure why I'm starting a new post haha but this time two weeks today I will be on my way up to the hospital to start day 1/week 1 of treatment eeekk! My first week as an inpatient.

Had a really great week last week but this weekend I've just felt so down and hardly slept, presume it's because it's all getting so close now. Have prepped a few meals for the freezer, got my new pyjamas etc for hospital stay and bought a few books. Any other suggestions of things I should maybe be doing before D day?

Have a good week folks.

Claire Xx

  • Hey there 

    enjoy this beautiful weather, catch up with friends and family and laugh.  Best tonic ever Blush

    cathy xx

  • FormerMember


    It’s weird, this time last year I was 2 weeks into treatment. I can’t believe its been a year, all a very distant memory now.

    I was very uncomfortable prior to treatment. Walking and sitting had become difficult, so whilst I tried to keep things as normal as possible for my family sake, I did spend a lot of time sitting/lying around watching Netflix, reading and doing stuff on the internet. Like you I got myself organised planning a rota for school/club pick-ups, organising meals, planing my kids birthdays etc etc. 

    Its an emotional time waiting for treatment to start. On one hand you feel ready and just want to get on with it, on the other, you want to run for the hills. The waiting is hard, so try and do some nice things just of you, things that will distract your mind. Feel how you want to, good or bad, the feelings will pass. 

    As you will read on here there are many things you can buy prior to treatment. However, most things should be provided by your hospital and as the treatment is accumulative, you will have time to buy things as and when you need to.

    I wasn’t an inpatient but I bought the following on the advise of someone who’d been through the chemo-radiation: moist toilet tissue, baggy patterned trousers, large knickers/shorts (cheap so you can throw them if needed), wet wipes and a large hold-all to put it all in for daily trips to the hospital. I was also given a cushion by my hospital which I used every day throughout treatment and beyond. If your hospital doesn’t provide cushions, you can buy one on Amazon:


    In the meantime, enjoy the sun and find yourself a nice long box set to plough through.

    Come on here anytime you like. We’re all here to guide you step by step once treatment starts.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember


    new on here but I started treatment last Tuesday 5 day infusion of as in patient and daily radiotherapy, today is day 8 of radio , 20 more to go , 1 day at a time xx

  • Hi  

    Hope you are doing ok and I wish you the best of luck. How was your inpatient week? I think I'm just on a countdown now to get it all started!

    Claire Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79

    Hi Claire

    It seems were on the same treatment , impatient week went well , nausea Dizzy face was nasty but other than that a couple of dizzy spells , 2 weeks down as of tomorrow , although it wasn't the best week of my life , I'd expected to feel a lot worse than I do I think that was the anxiety leading up to it and the fear of the unknown ,

    Wishing you the best of luck too 

    Lisa x

  • Hi Lisa

    I don't do well with sickness at the best of times so not looking forward to that Pensive

    Yet again wishing you all the best and please keep in touch. Enjoy your weekend with no treatment.

    Claire Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79

    Me neither , I'm even travel sick , but the sickness drugs really do work I'm still taking them now , you enjoy your weekend too xx

  • Morning

    Just wanted to check in and see how your doing after another week done & dusted?

    I'm in on Monday so not long now!

    Claire Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to thecannon79

    Hi Claire

    You'll be well on your way now , hope your feeling ok , I'm back in Monday for 2nd infusion then only 4 days radiotherapy after that , it sure is going quickly , 

    I no you said you didn't have internet in hospital , but hope the week has gone smoothly for you 

    Take care 

    Lisa xx