Life after treatment

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  • 40 subscribers

hi I’m 6mths post treatment I’ve a lot off things going wrong and I don’t know if the cancer is still there I’ve to go for an mri on 26th my first in about 9mths...I’m experiencing a bit off incontinance...ibs symptoms...bleeding and pain have I anything to worry about thank you in advance x

  • No one but your doctor can really tell you I'm afraid.   However we all worry about things returning and every little twinge sets us off!

    I am 20 months post treatment, see my Consultant every 4 months and my MRIs are now every 6.   The week before my appointment I always fear the worst.   It is a different person who leaves the hospital from the one who went in!

    Last weekend I had my MRI so am now living on the edge again waiting for a phone call or letter!

    I still have irregular bowels and occasional soreness which I understand I may live with for some time, small price to pay for feeling reasonably well and having a life.

    Everyone seems to think I am very positive and have no problems, but its not the thing you can talk about to people who haven't been there is it?

    That's why this site is so good for us!

    I wish you all the best.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Yorkshire OAP

    Thank you so much for your reply I’m really glad I came to this site too .i hope eveyerthing goes well with you it’s a horrible cancer to have but I suppose it could be worse .i will say prayers for you thank you .

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann,

    I’m 9 months post-treatment. I had a high dose of rad after having T4 N3 M0 cancer. 

    So you haven’t had your post-treatment scans yet? hospitals vary, I had my scans 3 months after treatment finished. So 9 months seems a long time to wait, but then I don’t know your whole history.

    As someone else has already said its only really your oncologist who can advise you on the symptoms you’re experiencing. We’re all individuals and we react differently to the treatment. However, I will say that I also suffer with slight incontinence. Although things have improved, I still have to move quickly when I need to empty my bowel. Particularly the first one of the day, I can’t hold it for long. I’ve also noticed a bit of bladder incontinence creeping in. 

    I think we will always worry because of what we’ve been through. Its normal to get anxious about any new sensations or symptoms but also good to share, talk and tell our medical professionals.

    Remember its still early days. Your body has been through a lot and is still recovering and healing. My oncologist told me it takes minimum 12 months to recover and some side effects can be long term. We need to be patient as the recovery is slow and us women are impatient.

    All the best with your scan and results.

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Yorkshire OAP


    20 months post-treatment! well done and thanks for sharing. I’m just 9 months post-treatment so its always good to hear from other people further down the line and doing well. I have examinations every 3 months and annual scans (wish they were more regular though!)

    Remission can be hard can’t it, particularly the anxiety that builds up around check-ups, scans, waiting for results etc, its bloody horrible and your mind plays tricks on you. One minute you feel strong and positive and the next, well it can be dark can’t it. 

    Fingers crossed that your scan is clear, the waiting I know is awful. 

    Keep busy, stand strong and keep telling yourself it’ll be clear.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Sarah x

  • Hi Ann, 

    Like Sarah I’m 9 months post treatment & had scans 3 months post treatment & also, like lots of us that have been through this treatment, have some symptoms intermittently. I find that within around 10 minutes of being up & around in the morning I need to ‘go’ & need to go pretty quickly. I also suffer a little bit of leakage after going to the loo, this tends to only last about 5 minutes after I’ve been to the loo & find I have to go back in for another clean! Then after that everything is ok. I also get some IBS symptoms & up until the last maybe 3/4 months I sometimes bled a little when going to the loo, after mentioning it at my last appointment my oncologist has said on examination everything feels fine & it’s most likely a fissure which are very common with the formation of the new skin after the radiotherapy & sometimes things feel a bit uncomfortable. The last 3 months though this has happened less. I do suffer with constipation sometimes though & this leaves me sore, I take movicol, flaxseed & generally try & make sure I have plenty of fibre mainly in the form of veggies.

    I really hope you get good results from your scans, we can all sympathise with the way you’re feeling, I often wonder, although I try & not let it impact every day & for the most part successfully push it to the back of my mind, if  this anxiety will be with me for life now! Please keep in touch & let us know how you get on. Good luck.

    Nicola x

  • HI Ann, 

    I'm 7 months treatment and know exactly how you are feeling. I got my results last month and it was good news, all clear! However leading up to getting my results, Sarah is right one minute i was upbeat and positive and the next i was in a dark place. Its all perfectly normal and to be expected. I have similar symptoms to the others, i can go days or weeks and be okay and then i'll have a off day or two. Its a small price to pay.

    I have 3 monthly check ups but no more scan unless something changes. This is a fantastic site with exceptional advice, keep us posted on how you get on.

    Good Luck with your scans

    Crystal X

  • Here as promised with my latest results!   The post arrived early this morning and as it isn't 2 weeks since my last MRI I thought I was being summoned to hospital for a discussion about my results.

    Very positive news, recent examination and MRI show no sign of cancer, absolutely over the moon.    This past week has been the worst since my diagnosis, I don't know why.   I have even had a word with the GP about my anxiety!    Perhaps it all caught up with me after 2 years of being positive.

    Anyway, hopefully back to being positive now and looking forward to seeing my grandchildren next week.

    All the best


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Yorkshire OAP

    Congratulations that’s fantastic news I had my mri on Tuesday so fingers crossed but I’m so happy for you xx

  • Loving the news Beryl! 

    Big hug and congratulations! 

    Positive Pants firmly pulled up! 

    Much love,

    Mary. XX

    On another note, after my treatment finished I developed anxiety and depression. I’d had several very stressful events in the preceding 2 or 3 years, cancer put the tin lid on it! I finally went to my gp and had a good wail! Bless her, she said she’d been waiting for me to finally acknowledge it! X

  • Thank you Ann.

    Thank you Mary.   I remember you saying you had lost your husband prior to your cancer.

    The past three years of my life have not been great, losing my son at 40 years old, followed by my husband having an operation, then the cancer treatment all take their toll.

    I think last week I went into totally irrational mode with very negative feelings, a build up of never letting go, carrying on smiling and whilst being grateful to be here still felt down.   Hopefully I am now over these feelings having taken myself in hand and looking forward to a positive future.   My very nice GP was on holiday and I think the one I spoke to thought me quite mad, but was extremely nice to me in the end!

    I do value all the help I have had from your posts and the rest of the people on here x

    s on holiday