My Big Sister

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  • 40 subscribers

My Big Sister has very recently been diagnosed with Anal cancer. She has been in pain for well over a year with drs just telling her she was constipated and giving her laxatives. Then she started poBroken heartng from her vagina. Fast forward a few weeks she collapses in agony. My poor big sister was rushed to hospital on the sunday and on the tuesday they told her she has Anal cancer. She is just 40. FasBroken heartforward a week later, after more tests and scans etc they tell her its stage 4 and 'terminal'. It has spread to her vagina and lower back. She has had a stoma bag fitted and will soon be given chemoBroken heartdiation.  She has little hard lumps in her groin and all over her lower back. She is not the sister i know, her weight has gone. She is in constant agony, she is full up off one or two bites of foodBroken heartnd she is constantly tired. Can someone please explain a few things to me as my family are keeping this from me because im 'emotional and need to be protected because im the closest to her'  1) whatBroken hearts terminal? 2) what are these lumps on her? 3) WHY has this happened to her? She is the softest most sweetest person ever! 4) how did she get cancer? PLEASE can someone save her i cant bare to see hBroken heart like this i love her so much all i can do is cry please please please help her she is so poorly and i dont know how much more our family can take Broken heartSob

  • Oh Sammie! 

    I'm so sorry that you’re having to watch your sister go through this right now.

    Having gone through a diagnosis of anal cancer last year & subsequent treatment for this I saw what this did to my family & loved ones & I carried an awful lot of guilt for putting them through it all!

    I’ve heard of a lot of people that go mid-diagnosed with this cancer & unfortunately this leads to staging at diagnosis being more advanced like with your sister. Sometimes this cancer can be driven by the HPV virus & other times there simply is no reason for it occurring, as with me, I was 53 & to my knowledge healthy when diagnosed last February & have no family history of any cancers at all! I went to the Dr’s thinking I might have piles but thankfully my Dr was on the ball, got another GP in for a 2nd opinion & put me straight on the 2 week pathway to the lower colon team at my local hospital where I was diagnosed a couple of weeks later. 

    Hopefully your sisters Dr’s will get her chemo-radiotherapy  moving pretty quickly & with her having a stoma already fitted this will take at least some of the side effects of the treatment away from her. I’m also presuming from my own experience with this that the lumps in her groin are enlarged lymph nodes, my oncologist had always checked my groin for any sign of this. 

    I know your family must be in turmoil right now & are probably trying to protect you from further hurt but try & explain the stress you’re feeling with so many unanswered questions & maybe they will sit down & explain your sisters position a little further with you. 

    Families need care & support throughout a cancer diagnosis too & you sound as though you’re desperate right now, please get yourself some support either through Macmillan or through Cancer Connections or any of the other support services out there, these services are not just there for the person that is diagnosed but they support the people that are close to that person also, exactly like you.

    Please keep in touch on here though & I’m praying that once in treatment your sister begins to improve.

    Nicola x

  • How ironic you are called Nicola, so is my sister. She is still in hospital after having her stoma. She is very emotional in there and just wants to come home.

    Since writing this post I've been told that the lumps are infact her lymph nodes. I dont know why this is happening to her she has never hurt anyone in her life she is so soft and gentle and has always been happy and energetic, but now its all gone. Cancer is taking everything from her.

    We have always always always been the closest and even closer since we dont have any living parents or grand parents, with our mother dying the most recent (not cancer related).

    She is trying to be strong but i have the most awful feeling in my stomach and it wont shift. I just love her so much. 

    Thankyou for your kind words i will most definitely keep you updated on her progress because i am determined to do what it takes to make her better!


  • I'm sure your sister will settle a bit easier when she’s home again. There’s people on this forum that have gone through the chemo-radiotherapy with a stoma & hopefully they’ll see your post & be able to offer some words of encouragement too.

    The treatment itself is short & sharp but definitely doable & all of us on this forum have been treated at all different stages of the disease, lots of us with positive results.

    The diagnosis itself is absolutely devastating for both the person going through it & those closest to that person, I remember thinking I wasn’t going to see both my daughters next birthdays! It sometimes takes a while but I think many of us at some point in this journey have ask ourselves ‘why me’ as you’re asking yourself about your sister! Unfortunately for lots of us there is just no answer to that. 

    Remember to take care of yourself in all of this too then that will help you in supporting your sister. 

    Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.

    Nicola x

  • Hello

    i like all the other soldiers on this site am so very sorry to hear this news about your lovely sister. 

    I had a temporary stoma fitted before my treatment. It was very challenging as it prolapsed early on, being honest I am hyper active usually so I was probably doing too much!!! Tell your sister to be very careful not to overdo it!!!!! 

    She will find a way of managing and it becomes second nature, I have called mine stomee and have a friend who calls her looee!!!!! 

    For me it was a small price to pay to fight cancer head on. 

    You sound like a very close family so please find strength in each other , you will find it as you have no option but to go forward and fight. Rage

    Take all the support that is offered in any form as many people have been through this journey and they are the ones that understand what you are going through. 

    A lot of focus just now is on the patient so you need to try to look after yourself , perhaps a wee chat with your go? They could maybe give you something to help you cope through this trauma. 

    Thus is a family trauma do not underestimate that. , no one asks for it and there are no reasons why any of us are chosen. But if we are fortunate to make it through we come out stronger with a huge change in how you view life. 

    Please help yourself first, then you can support your family. 

    Keep positive. 

    Much live 

    Lorna xxx 

  • Hi

    are you close to any “maggies centre?”  They offer support to family too.  

    They are a wonderful organisation and I’m 19 months post treatment and still pop in with cakes and for a chat.  Look them up

    love Cathy x

  • Hello all, sorry I've not been on here for a while. I have been concentrating on my sister. She is extremely poorly now and has begun end of life care. There is now way back for her now but we are doing all we can to make her more comfortable. Thankyou all for the kind words and lovely msgs, it means so much to know so many people care. I am praying for every one of you in here, i pray thag for those of you still fighting, that you win. And for those of you that have fought and won, may you keep on winning. Unfortunately for my sister, it was all just caught too late. At diagnosis she was already an advanced stage 4 with mets to other parts of her body.

    I love her so much but seeing her like this has just got me asking god to just take her now! Maybe horrible of me, maybe normal. I dont know what normal is anymore.

    Thankyou all for being so supportive, I'll keep you all updated as and when xxx

  • Hi ,

    I am so, so sorry to read this sad news about your sister. It must be so difficult for you seeing her this way & I’m sure it’s pretty normal that you’re praying for an end to her suffering. You’re bound to be in absolute turmoil right now but amongst all of this please remember to try & take care of yourself also. There is no need to thank us on here at all we’re here to support you, that is what the online community is all about, we don’t only support people that have received a diagnosis but family members/friends too.

    Please know that I’m thinking of you all at this sad time. 

    Nicola x

  • Hi Sammie, I feel so sorry for you and your sister, this is just heartbreaking. Please always feel free to come on here for support as much as you need to. Thinking of you both xx

  • Dear Sammie, I am so sorry to hear about your Precious Sister's diagnosis. We are here for you whenever you need someone to talk to. 

    I am Praying for God's Overwhelming Love Comfort Strength and Peace for You both Pray

    God Bless, Theresa

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sammie84


    We have spoken before on the Facebook AC forum. I hope your sister is now back in the comfort of her own home after her recent scare? 

    Such a heart breaking situation for you all. I’ve followed your story from the start and I’m so sorry this awful disease wasn’t found earlier. No-one wants to see their loved ones suffer, I’m not surprised you feel the way you do. It’s so incredibly sad. 

    I hope she’s as comfortable as she can be and that you can help to fulfil any needs or wishes she has. I also hope that her medical team/hospital are providing you with support? You can call the no. below to speak with a Macmillan nurse should you need some support or someone to listen. 

    Thank you for your compassion for other AC patients. 

    Love and light. 

    Sarah x