Have you had Brachytherapy?

  • 4 replies
  • 40 subscribers

I've been doing loads of research before my MDT meet on a treatment plan, and my brother (Stage 4 Prostate) told me to look up Brachytherapy as it preserves a lot of surrounding tissue and lessens internal organ damage. If you have had it, can you give some info and let me (and everyone else) know where you were treated? I am in mid-Wales, so I likely would have to travel far, but to save more damage to my 70-year-old body, I'd definitely consider it. My hospital is at Shrewsbury.

  • Not heard of brachytherapy being used for AC, Wavedancer but would definitely be interesting to find out. Good luck.

  • Hello Wavedancer

    I had a quick look online and brachytherapy has been used on occasion but this seems to be in addition to the standard chemo/radiotherapy.  I will be really interested to hear what your oncologist says to that suggestion, it certainly sounds like a less invasive option.

    I hope the days aren't dragging too much for you before your treatment starts, even though it can be tough you will feel a lot more in control and will begin to see a light at the end of that tunnel.

    Irene  xx

  • Thanks, Irene. I should find out something soonish. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get the pain under control, and I'm making progress. It's at about a 5 now (from an 8 that had me in bed). Sicily is being a real 'pain in the ass'!

    I'm perfectly willing to be a test subject for the Brachytherapy as she has protruded now and I think it'd be really easy to implant the 'seed'. Fingers crossed!

  • Hi  , I have to admit in my time here I can’t remember anyone mentioning receiving brachytherapy as treatment for AC. That’s not to say those people aren’t out there though. Please post when you’ve spoken with your treating team, I’ll be interested to hear what they say. I’m also pleased to hear that you’re getting your pain under control. 
