Finished treatment today!!

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  • 43 subscribers

Ended the final day of my treatment today!! No more Radio or Chemotherapy.!!

It’s all gone so well. No side effects from the Chemo at all. The Radiotherapy has burned my bum though this was inevitable. Given loads of creams, gel pads and pain relief which is helping no end! |I understand that this’ll probably get worse and last a couple of weeks after treatment but gets better quite quickly. I’ll apparently feel quite tired as all the effects begin to wear off and I get used to change in routine.

I can’t believe it’s gone so quickly and strangely hasn’t been at all unpleasant. Driven myself to all the appointments at St James. Leeds with no problems or discomfort.

Check up Meeting with oncologist in 6 to 8 weeks and then scans at 3 months and 6 months.

I was a little sad about leaving as everyone there has been so incredibly kind, thoughtful, cheerful and above all professional and competent.

I’d like to thank everyone on here who has given me the most incredible, useful support and suggestions. You all prepared me for my journey so much. Thank You!!!

  • Congratulations! TadaTadaTadaTada Well done! I know - it’s a great feeling.

    Best Wishes

    Happyflower x

  • Well done, brilliant news x

  • Hey Bungle!

    Have you had your scans yet? I know you are about 3 weeks ahead of me.


  • Hi Happyflower 

    Had MRI and CT on Monday but don't get results until 19th February. How are you doing ? X

  • Wonderful news that you’ve finished treatment! A huge milestone and a big day making that final cross on the calendar. Sounds like you had a fab team.

    Every good wish for the weeks ahead and a big hug too x

  • Fellsider

    I am so pleased to hearing you sound so upbeat, I am sure you are so relieved that the daily trips to the hospital are over!  And it is lovely to hear that you have a caring compassionate team.  Now just concentrate on recovery!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Bungle,
    Im doing well- almost back to normal. I must admit I’m anxious about going back to hospital for these scans, it brings it home that I will never be free of worry- then again knowing that I’m free of cancer will be wonderful. I just hope that we all get good results after the 3 month and don’t have to wait for 6 months to be sure of a good outcome. I have everything crossed for you. Please keep me posted. I have my appointment on  24 th Feb and results on 20 th March.

    Happyflower x

  • My treatment experience sounds much like yours - I finished in December. I found that the symptoms didn't get worse during the two weeks after it, initially they stayed much the same and I was perfectly able to spend a couple of days at my brother's over Christmas a week later, with absolutely no thought given to them. I got very sleepy towards the end of the second week, forgot to take any pain killers, and suddenly found I didn't need them any more. The skin takes a bit longer to heal, but six weeks out and I'm completely back to normal. 

    I absolutely agree with you about missing the staff: going in for my first clinic last Tuesday it brought it all back to me: every staff member from the receptionist to the consultant were a delight (this is at the Marsden in Sutton). 

  • Have everything crossed for you. X

  • Will be keeping everything crossed for you, Happyflower xx