Polymem dressings

  • 8 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi , 

if you used Polymem dressings , did you moisten  them before application or just apply your cream to it and apply . I’m wanting to apply some to my tears . 

Thank you so much for your support x

  • Hi,

    yes, you sprinkle the dressing with water before you apply to the area. Apply your creams/gels etc first then apply the dressing. I didn’t get on well with the polymem dressings. Hopefully you will be fine.


  • Hi goldie,

    I used Polymem and thought they were a lifesaver! I used pieces sort of folded in half so they were in my leg "creases" (knicker legs), inbetween my cheeks, and then also flat like a sanitary pad.  Yes you wet them before applying, and you only need to change when they're properly "soiled" so I kept them on for about a day (they're expensive so nurses don't like handing them out).  I don't think I could have survived without them!  They stopped my skin from sticking together when it was raw and peeling, I didn't find the cream particularly helpful in the worst stage (week 5/6).

    Good luck with it, the good news is once your skin starts healing, it does so very quickly.

    Kate x

  • Thanks very much . 
    im finding the Flamazine stings and makes me itchy . 

    Best wishes x

  • Thank you Kate , 

    I’ll try them in the position you’ve done . Could with a bit of cushioning down there . 

    Best wishes x

  • Hello Goldie65

    You have had some really good advice, the Polymem dressings worked wonders for me too, used with the Flaminal Forte gel which didn't sting - maybe ask for that from your team?  It is specifically for open wounds which I had as well.

    Kate is right, I looked online and was taken aback at how expensive they were to buy but fortunately I was never under any pressure from my treating team to be careful what I used.  I really feel for people who have to plead for dressings that can make the difference in the speed of healing.

    I hope you start healing properly very soon.

    Big hug

    Irene xx

  • Hi Goldie, do ask for Flaminal forte- it doesn’t sting! Then apply damp Polymem. Not only do they promote healing, but for me they were the only thing that took the terrible pain of the skin burns away! All the best

  • Thankyou Franco , 

    I’m struggling a bit to keep the dressings in place , I’ve an open wound a long my anus , along the side of a haemorrhoid .  The rest of my skin looks like it’s starting to heal now , thank goodness . 

    Best wishes x

  • Goldie, 

    It’s awkward to keep a dressing in place isn’t it. I used my knickers to hold the polymem. Well-fitting ones! Just remember to gently remove the dressing when going to the loo, then put the same dressing back in position afterwards (unless it needs changing!)