
  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi Everyone ,
Can iI ask if anyone who used Instillagel post treatment applied it to broken skin . 
I’m now 7 days post Chemo radiation and just about coping with taking more regular analgesia and creams . I’ve not had a poo for 2 days so will take a laxative tonight and have been advised to apply instillagel before . It just I have such a lot of broken skin I’m not sure where I can put it . 
Sorry  to keep asking so many questions but I really appreciate advice and experience . 

Best wishes everyone x

  • Hi Goldie65 

    I used it occasionally pre treatment on the part of my tumour that was external which did bleed sometimes so I assume the skin was broken. I also used it on the burns round the tops of my legs I don't know if the skin was broken there as I refused to look. It does sting a bit when you apply it but you go numb pretty quick. If you've been advised to use it I would imagine it would be ok but probably best to give the hospital a ring just to check if you are not sure for peace of mind if nothing else. Don't apologise for asking questions that's part of what this forum is for. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thanks for your reply Bungle . 
    I’ll give it a try in the morning with just a little bit . I’m stinging already so if it stings even more might be worth it to get some numbness . I dreading going to the loo Scream

    Best wishes in your recovery x

  • Thank you Goldie65. I feel for you, I remember those days of dreading going to the loo and not wanting to eat as eating meant going to the loo. It does get better and my experience was it changed so quick one day razor blades dipped in acid poo and the next fine. Hope the instillagel gives you some relief. Xx

  • Hi Goldie , 

    it’s such an anxious time , getting a diagnosis , then treatment , then pain and so many questions to ask !!! 

    Im 7 months post treatment , used instilligel after going to the loo to numb the pain and flamigel around the nether region … we have all been on this journey together so take one day at a time …

    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • I’m counting the days , they can’t come soon enough ! X

  • Hi Chrissie , 

    Think I’m just having a self pity day ! Told myself self pity is not going to help me and it’s not going to be like this for much longer . Like you say 1 day at a time x

  • Goldie - feel your pain as it is an awful time Heart️ make sure you take laxatives as the pain relief constipates and it’s better to have soft stools than hard at this time x I used morphine slow release and oral together as couldn’t handle the constant pain and panic - use creams (flamigel, and a barrier cream)to ease the fusion of raw skin too x it’s so unpleasant but you will heal x keep asking your team for help, the hit line gets to others in call who have other ideas too so keep calling and use their knowledge x 

    love Angie x 

  • Thanks for your support Angie , 

    I’m keeping telling myself that this time next week it should feel much better . 

    Best wishes x