Flare Up

  • 8 replies
  • 41 subscribers


I am 3 weeks post treatment and really mending well, but last night I had what can only be described as a horrendous flare up!

All parts of me were on fire, it lasted from 11pm just when I was going to bed until about 2 pm and then started to fade. I seem fine this morning.

Is this normal ?

Jane xx

  • Hi JET1414 

    I would have said its normal but depends what you mean by flare up. You are still early days and the treatment is still active inside you, I'm about 2.5 months post and for the most part I'm doing well but occasionally I have a blip. If you are worried ring your hospital and check i did first time i had a blip. Sending hugs. Xx

  • I'm last day of treatment and just started to suffer with skin soreness - had excruciating poops last week and we'll now I'm just trying not to overthink how bad the next few weeks are going to get. 

    So whilst I've got no advice  I wanted to say thank you for sharing as it's helpful to understand the highs and lows of what's to come. 

    I hope your treatment can give you advice and that this blip doesn't last too long.  You're so nearly there! 

    Ali xoxo 

  • Congratulations on reaching the last day! It is so much easier not to have to go to the hospital every day. I felt so relieved not to have to negotiate that journey. Yes, I did have some tough days post treatment but at least I could stay at home and deal with it all. Remember that the treatment team are always at the end of the phone though.

    Hoping  the next stage goes quickly for you.


    Happyflower xx

  • Hello Jane

    That sounds awful, I had night sweats just after treatment (not the menopause, that was a long time ago) I wasn't exactly on fire but my nightdress was soaking and I had a most peculiar smell.  And it wasn't body odour, I put it down to all the drugs I was having.

    When you think what you have had done to your poor body over the last three months and the multitude of drugs we have taken it is so difficult to know what is normal and what is not.  I am so pleased you are fine this morning, and don't forget you can always ring your team for reassurance if it happens again.

    And I am delighted to hear too that you are mending well!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene,

    it was very strange and exceedingly painful for about 3 hours, the morphine didn’t touch it. But this morning I have virtually no pain. I am hoping that was the chemicals last assault on my poor body !
    Fingers crossed

  • Hi Jane ( ),

    Those first few weeks post treatment can throw a few curveballs, I know you’ve said you feel fine this morning but have you checked your temperature etc.,? I’m pleased for you that this seems to have passed this morning though.

    I suffered what I can only describe as flares of inflammation for a while after that last treatment, these presented with constipation (I presume this was internal inflammation opposed to true constipation) I would have quite a lot of discomfort & awful fatigue again, this would only last for a day or so then I’d be ok again. 

    Don’t forget you can also run things past your treating team if you’re worried about anything at all. Our bodies take a beating throughout this treatment both from the toxic nature of both the chemo & the radiotherapy then you have the recovery so continue being kind to yourself & try & get plenty of rest. 


  • Hi  

    It seems from these chats that there is no normal once we start along this gruelling treatment journey. Whilst there are some experiences we seem to share in common I am guessing that we are also all in the dark at different points along this path.

    I am really glad you are feeling better now. Please remember the 24 hour treatment alert line is there for you. What is going on in  our bodies at different times may not be anything serious, but it is sometimes just better to be safe than sorry and to put our minds at rest.

    I really hope you go onwards and upwards and this was just a horrible blip.

  • Hi Jane,

    So sorry that you had such a bad experience last night but good that you’re in a better place today. Sounds very frightening for you.

    As the others on this forum have said you are still in very early days and the treatment is continuing to work. Apparently the radiotherapy continues to work for 3 months post treatment and you have also been taking strong medication for weeks. Your poor body has taken an absolute battering. 

    From my own experience I would say that this is fairly normal but do check out with your team if it continues.

    I sincerely wish you well for the days ahead and hope things improve quickly for you. Xx