Post treatment sweating and fatigue

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Hello. I finished my chemo radiation treatment at the start of November. I have gone through skin healing (still a bit itchy) and the healing of a fissure in my groin lymph. I knew I’d be thrown into full menopause and two weeks ago my dr increased my hrt dose from 50 to 75 but I’m still sweating through the day. The fatigue seems to be worse after initially feeling better. I’m sleeping during the day for around 3 hours. I have my MRI on Wednesday but feel like my cancer symptoms have returned with the sweats and fatigue. I also ‘look’ sick if that makes sense. Did anyone else experience this 10 weeks after treatment finished? xx

  • Hi Neuro72,

     I’m sorry that you are having such a tough time.

     Can’t really comment on the menopausal symptoms as I am 63 and obviously post menopausal. Sweating is not an issue for me but fatigue and itching are.

     I finished treatment mid November and have had the most awful fatigue. I have always been an active person so this worries me as frequently have to have a sleep during the day which is something I never did prior to treatment. I mentioned to my oncologist last week and he said that in early days post treatment this is fairly’ normal’. I have no idea how I will cope with returning to work next week! 

    I know from this forum that people seem to recover and bounce back at different rates.

    Probably not a great deal of help to you but truly sorry that you are experiencing this and wishing you well for a good outcome from your scans. Xx

  • Thank you lovely. Yes I think the fatigue and lack of energy hits hard. I was active too before treatment so I’m struggling with the adjustment. It does give me some comfort to know that it is ‘normal’ to still feel wrecked. Sending you strength for your return to work, please go gently xx

  • Hi Neuro72,

    Thanks for your kind words.

    Yes, the fatigue hits hard and can’t begin to imagine what it must be like going through horrific menopausal sweats on top. I have it easy in comparison. I do hope the increased dose of HRT kicks in and helps soon. My oncologist recommended starting some oestrogen gel for itching.

    Go gently also..xx

  • Hi  ,

    I didn’t have hot sweats but I was in my menopause when I started treatment & it seemed to bring it all to an abrupt halt. The fatigue on the other hand was on another level, I had nana naps most afternoons during treatment & for at least a couple of weeks after & I had some of the best sleep at nighttime that I’ve ever had, I was sleeping from 9pm until 8am every night. After day 11 post treatment things started to improve for me including the fatigue but I would have a couple of good days then it would return & I’d have to have a day doing absolutely nothing. This continued with the fatigue getting gradually less & less frequent. 


  • Thank you Nicola. I think I expected to feel a bit better by now. And there’s always the fear that the treatment hasn’t worked. My Gp is reviewing my HRT after 12 weeks so maybe I need a higher dose x

  • If you’re really concerned don’t hesitate in giving your treating team a call. Hopefully the HRT will improve your symptoms. 


  • Hello Neuro72

    Fatigue and the gruelling treatment you have been through go hand-in-hand.  I would urge you please don't worry about it and sleep as much as you need to.  And be really kind to yourself, you have been through a really gruelling treatment and your body is still recovering.  I hope you haven't got pressure of work to cope with too and that you can just take yourself off and sleep.

    I felt I looked about 100 years old, I was so worn out.  But things did improve gradually.

    Big hug Neuro72, it is still early days.

    Irene xx  

  • Thank you Irene, I’ve been working part time but really struggling with it. I work from home as self employed but have already had to withdraw from contracts. I think because going to sleep during the day feels so alien you automatically see it as something is wrong as opposed to needing the sleep to heal xx

  • Neuro72

    I had a very quick search for State benefits during cancer treatment and they are out there, only my search didn't bring up posts I was looking for.  If life is a struggle, please ring the MacMillan helpline about this, there are quite a few people on here who claimed during and after treatment.

    You really aren't wrong in wanting to sleep - just do it.

    Big hug

    Irene xxx

  • I’m a month post treatment now and the fatigue has really kicked in! I’m probably more exhausted now than I have been at any point! Good to hear that I’m not the only one who feels like this.