Post Treatment Scan

  • 16 replies
  • 39 subscribers


I finished treatment on 6th November and have just received my scan appointments for 27th January, Little bit earlier than i expected but that's fine. I was only expecting one scan but I'm having an MRI and a CT with contrast, is this normal do people normally have both ? Xx

  • Hi PEB24 

    Thank you. Hope you get positive results from your scans, will be thinking of you. Xx

  • Hello Bungle1

    it is so confusing for all of us, in that hospitals have different protocols for after treatment scans.  I wouldn't read anything into this other than an early scan is fine, but please be aware that initially all mightn't be clear, the radiotherapy works for some considerable time afterwards.

    That said keeping everything crossed that your scans are fine

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene75359. In my head I've prepared myself as much as you can that these first scans may not be the results i want to hear but still hoping I will hear what I want. Xx

  • My turn now to get anxious. I’ve had a wonderful honeymoon period- feeling so much better 7 weeks post treatment, but today I’ve had a call to book my MRI on 24 th February and results on 20 th March with my consultant. All the negative feelings have swamped me again, remembering all the agonising waiting I had in the beginning. I’ve given myself a good talking to but finding it hard to shake it off.

    Happyflower x

  • Hi Happyflower 

    It's such a weird place to be. I was worried about the two scans but now I know that seems to be the norm I'm just kind of numb about it. Scans on the 27th Jan and results 19th feb. Have told myself not to pin to much hope on these scans it's the next one that's important, obviously hope this first one says what I want. We have both done what we can in terms of having the treatment we just have to keep busy now and try not to think about it. I will probably get concerned the closer the appointments get. The waiting is the worst bit I think. There was a post on here earlier and they are 14  years down the line which i love. Try to focus on the positive, like you say you have made a good recovery that has to be a good thing. I'm rambling. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thanks Bungle! 
    yes you are right- the next ones are the really important ones. 14 years and counting sounds good too! 
    Thanks for your supportive message. I’m hoping for good news for us both and everyone on this forum.

    Happyflower xx