New year blues….update in comments

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Hi all, I started my treatment on 18th Dec with much positivity. However last week I felt a bit achy like flu. My temp was fine and I had no other symptoms so I left it. By New Year’s Eve morning I had hot and cold shivers. I had my radio appt and saw my consultant. She saw my blood results and admitted me to the ward as my white cells were low and my platelets too. Moral of the story is even if you feel a bit poorly phone someone. I’m one who thinks I don’t want to bother people. 
I'm going home tomorrow all being well. I had IV antibiotics (developed an itchy rash despite never being allergic to penicillin before) and Filgrastim injections to boost my white cells. 
My bottom end hurts due to runny poos not sure if that’s the antibiotics or radio or both?

Got to see consultant Tuesday to see what happens regarding the chemo tablets  

Onwards and upwards from tomorrow fingers crossed  

  • I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly and glad you’re tucked up in bed at home now. I felt pretty rough for the last few weeks of treatments and certainly know what you feel about having aged dramatically!! However, I’m 11 days after treatment and feeling so much better already! The skin is healing and the pain is subsiding. I’m still exhausted and breathless but have the energy to attempt a few more things now! Hold on in there - there’s only a few more weeks of feeling really rubbish x 

  • Thank you. I think I’m worried because I’m not that far into treatment. Two weeks in and I feel like I’ve had five weeks. I’m also overthinking everything which is a downfall of mine Joy

  • It’s so hard not to overthink. I’m not sure if it’s your thing but online meditations and lots of deep breathing exercises helped me! 
    it’s not an easy treatment so be kind to yourself and keep your eye on the finishing line. 

  • Clarhedge

    The treatment can have a cumulative effect and I am so sorry that your side effects have started.  But your body can also get more used to the onslaught of treatment too, when I first had chemo my levels went to pot but the oncologist said it is just your body's first reaction to the chemo.  Fingers crossed that you will recover (at least in part) and tell your treating team about your lady bits - they can prescribe something right now that may help.

    Sending lots of strength and a big hug

    Irene xx

  • UPDATE: so I went home Saturday 4th from hospital and less than 24hrs later I was readmitted (same bed and everything). Morning of the 5th I was very tired and felt breathless at the slightest thing. I had a shower which nearly finished me off. I had to stop halfway up the stairs just to breathe. Then the cold shivers started and my temp was 37.8. I rang the hotline in tears. 
    I had neutropenic sepsis. So frightening. My white cells, platelets and blood pressure were all low. I had a temp of 39 at hospital. I was on IV antibiotics for seven days. My Hb dropped so I had a transfusion of blood too. The drs couldn't find any source of infection though my markers were high. Possibly it was cellulitis in my legs as my feet and legs were swollen, red and hot. I’ve had ct scan, heart scan and tests for clots in my legs. I can’t praise the hospital staff enough!

    I feel lots better now. Got home yesterday but felt very weepy and worried about restarting the chemo tablets (on a reduced dose) as I don’t want to feel that ill again! 
    I am still exhausted by doing the least little thing. This has made me feel I’ve aged 20yrs. Things can only get better. The best feeling was turning over the page on my radiotherapy appointments list and seeing the end in sight. The radiotherapy continued daily at hospital. I got wheeled down in a chair. 
    I’ll be counting the days down…ten sessions to go. 
    Stay well everyone x

  • Hi Clarhedge

    So sorry you are having such a rough time of it. Like you say things can only get better. Get as much rest as you can and look after yourself. You are over halfway keep counting those days down. Thinking of you and sending hugs. Xx

  • Hi Clarhedge,

    You have had such a tremendously tough time. My heart goes out to you. It’s hard enough going through the diagnosis and treatment and you have had a particularly awful and scary time. 

    Well done for being so vigilant and for seeking immediate help when you felt so unwell on both occasions. I know that your experience will help others and thank you for sharing.

    Glad that you are finally home and wishing you well for the rest of your treatment journey. I very much hope it’s less eventful and that the days pass quickly.  Keep resting and taking a day at a time.

    A very big hug to you. Xx

  • Clarhedge

    I am so sorry you have gone through this - it sounds absolutely terrifying.  I am trying to imagine going down to the radiotherapy room in a wheelchair and whilst I am relieved that you managed treatment, what a traumatic time for you.  I hope very much that the next ten days go without any more serious side effects, I am thinking of you and sending a big hug.

    And yes, only ten to go!
