New year blues….update in comments

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Hi all, I started my treatment on 18th Dec with much positivity. However last week I felt a bit achy like flu. My temp was fine and I had no other symptoms so I left it. By New Year’s Eve morning I had hot and cold shivers. I had my radio appt and saw my consultant. She saw my blood results and admitted me to the ward as my white cells were low and my platelets too. Moral of the story is even if you feel a bit poorly phone someone. I’m one who thinks I don’t want to bother people. 
I'm going home tomorrow all being well. I had IV antibiotics (developed an itchy rash despite never being allergic to penicillin before) and Filgrastim injections to boost my white cells. 
My bottom end hurts due to runny poos not sure if that’s the antibiotics or radio or both?

Got to see consultant Tuesday to see what happens regarding the chemo tablets  

Onwards and upwards from tomorrow fingers crossed  

  • Hi Clarhedge,

    So sorry to hear that you’ve had to go through this. Treatment is hard enough! So good that you were able to see your consultant and you were admitted immediately. I was given a hotline 24/7 number to call if I had any of the symptoms you experienced- maybe that doesn’t happen everywhere. Hope you get home tomorrow and resume your treatment and this is just a blip. Thinking of you and looking forward to hearing that things are going according to plan from now on.

    A big hug


  • Hi Clarhedge

    sorry you are having a rough time, like happy flower I had a number to ring 24/7, I was also told to take my temperature every day and had a range i was aloud to be in and if out of it I had to ring. Are you still on the trial, could that have affected you. Hope things get better for you. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thank you. Yes I have a number to call but as my temp was ok and I didn’t feel too bad to start I left it. Also I didn’t think it was anything worth bothering them about. Now I know it was. It came on quite suddenly aswell. 

  • Hi yes I’m on the trial. The dr said it’s the chemo tablets on the standard treatment that’s caused it the Capcitabine. Apparently it’s quite common thing to happen. My temp was fine at home but now I know I should ring even if I have no temperature but feel ill. 
    Fingers crossed I get home today. 

  • Hi Clarhedge,

    It’s good that you were vigilant in seeking help but so sorry that this happened to you.

    As the others have said, it’s hard enough starting treatment and I really feel for you.

    Hoping that you get home soon and that the rest of your treatment journey goes well. 

    Wishing you well xx

  • Hey  

    I want to thank you for sharing - I'm very similar in not wanting to worry or bother anyone and your unfortunate experience and by kindly sharing it - I'm sure will help others. 

    We have to live in hope that things will get better but sometimes we just have to make the call and talk through our symptoms because this treatment can be brutal. 

    Hope you are feeling better, rested and can take it easy when you get home.

    Thanks again for caring enough to share.

    Ali xoxo

  • Hi  , I’m really sorry that you’re having a rough trott right now! These winter bugs (flu included) are absolutely raging at the moment, I know so many people that have been poorly over Christmas, my friends daughter was admitted to hospital the week before Christmas with the flu & was so poorly they induced the birth of her baby (due date was pending), she came home shortly after the birth only to be admitted again with pneumonia which quickly turned into sepsis! She is a strong, young, healthy woman! As you’ll be well aware once on this treatment regime our immunity is floored so it’s not surprising that the virus you had took ahold so quickly. Don’t ever be afraid of calling the emergency number or bothering anyone if you’re feeling off colour, they would rather you do that so you can be treated early & your treatment can continue as planned. The diarrhoea could be a mix of the virus, the antibiotics & your treatment, have you been given any loperamide to take? If not it may be worth asking for some & sticking to bland foods for a few days, see if things ease off a bit. 

    I really hope that you’re feeling much better soon & that your  appointment on Tuesday goes well too. Keep us updated. 


  • Thank you. We should be sharing all our experiences good and bad. My consultant said the side effects tend to kick in three to four weeks into treatment but my radiotherapy is causing a few side effects already two and a half weeks in. My feet especially the right one are puffy, sore front and back down below and loose bowels. 
    Not enough is talked about anal cancer so share as much information as possible. 

  • Clarhedge

    I am so sorry you ended up in hospital over the festive period, but you are absolutely right to warn people to 'bother' if they are feeling poorly especially having temperature spikes during treatment.  I do hope you are feeling better now and your rash has calmed down.

    I hope you are home enjoying the comfort of your own bed too, there is nothing quite like it!

    Irene xx

  • Hi yes I am in my own bed now! Bliss! I am glad to be home. 
    I am still amazed at how quickly I have become ‘poorly’ Christmas Day I was what I say normal I still felt as though there was nothing wrong with me…now I feel like I’ve aged 20yrs! I have feet like an old woman, I get out of breath going up the stairs (low platelets?) no energy, dodgy belly, my lady bits feel like they’re on fire, honestly this is no fun!