After Treatment Progress

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers


I was doing nicely and 4 days after treatment I thought all my bits were healing but day 5 and again today it seems to have got worse againConfounded

Is this normal ? 


  • Hello JET1414

    I'm afraid so, yes; symptoms can reach their peak in the two weeks after treatment ends so you really are at the sharp end of treatment now.  But take heart that in only a few days time you should see a rapid improvement (without any regression) and life starts to look more normal again.  A new normal sometimes, but nothing compared to what you have been through.

    Gentle healing hug - you are nearly there.

    Irene xx

  • Hi! 
    Yes that was what happened to me- I thought I was really jammy but then it started to flare up. I think it’s all part of the healing process. I know we are all different but also similar! 
    It will pass I promise you.

    Big hugs

    Happyflower xx

  • Thank you so much for that info, I couldn’t believe it was getting even worse….but now I know it’s part of the process I am feeling positive again.


  • Thank you, I was so disappointed for the pain and swelling to have receded only to flare up again….but hopefully the next few days will see an improvement again without another flare up Fingers crossed

  • Hi jet1414, yes it can be a bit of a rollercoaster when healing. The dreaded itching on and off can be a bit of a nuisance but you do have very good days and not so good. So when you get a good day make the most of them and they start to overtake the bad 

  • Hi Jet I’m a week post treatment and just the same has happened here! By Day 4 I felt like things were settling down and then the last few days have been dreadful. Lots of pain and even incontinence! And my fatigue is worse than it’s ever been! Keep counting down - we’ll get there! Xxx 

  • Hi Heather,

    Good to know it’s not just me, the last 3 days have been really bad. 

    All we can do is wait for the day it changes and we will know real healing has started.

    Stay strong we will get there


  • And just experienced the incontinence…. We are on the same page RoflConfounded