Incontinence recommendations

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  • 41 subscribers

Hi there. My grandad has been recently diagnosed with anal cancer and is waiting to start treatment. Unfortunately he has now started having no control over his bowel movements which has meant a lot of soiling, extra washing and added stress. He is very social and has now stopped going out because of this. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or recommendations for pants / pads that are for urine and faecal incontinence? I don't live locally to him, so was hoping to be able to order something to help...Thank you in advance 

  • Hello Peapowered

    In particular, anal cancer isn't normally treated with surgery unless the tumour is blocking exit of stools, where a colostomy will be done first to immediately ease symptoms, or it is absolutely tiny and can be removed with clear margins.

    The standard treatment is the Nigro Protocol

    which is five weeks of chemo/radiotherapy.  The treatment can be quite tough which is why, in view of his age, perhaps they have deemed it too risky.

    So I am very much hoping that the short burst of radiotherapy will give him a lot more time.  My own Mum lived to 97 and refused to go to the hospital with breast cancer when she was about 90.  They prescribed Letrozole which she took until the end of her life and she died of extreme old age, they couldn't even find the tumour when she was admitted to hospital for unrelated reasons!

    I hope you all have a lot more time with him, he sounds a lot like my parents who led a very simple life but lived to 90 and 97 - we were blessed to have them so long!

    Irene xx

  • Hello,

    We have a start date in the next couple of weeks. 2 days on, weekend off and then 3 days on.

    Do they do any sort of tests to see if it has worked? xx

  • Hi Peapowered

    I hope your grandads treatment goes well. I will have a scan at 3 months post to see if it's gone, from what I have read that seems to be what everyone has. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Peapowered

    I am guessing here but they might do further scans to check for shrinkage, or alternatively leave him and see how he gets on.  It might be worth your grandfather suggesting that they do more radiotherapy, not the full course but enough to make a marked difference.  As your grandfather is fit and healthy otherwise he is in a good place to fight his corner.

    I am thinking of him, and you and your family,

    Irene xx

  • Thank you! I hope you have good results xx

  • I'm not sure if they are willing to do more radiotherapy after this but we will see. The letter implied that they didn't think he was that fit because he walked very slowly into the room. He would normally walk at a reasonable speed but I think the discomfort of the tumour is likely to play a role in the speed he walks. They started investigating in October, think it might have been there for a couple of years. I am trying to remain hopeful that the treatment will make him more comfortable. I am hopeful that he can do some more normal social activities that people often take for granted xx

  • Hello, it's my grandads first day of treatment Blush he's at the hospital, all done but can't go home until bladder is emptied. I just wondered if anyone knew the reason for this? x

  • Hello Peapowered

    I honestly don't know - but you normally have the radiotherapy with a full bladder to push it out of the way of harmful rays so he may well be really ready to go in any case.  I would get off the table and hurry to the loo before even getting dressed.

    I do hope the rest of the treatment goes well.

    Irene xx

  • Thanks Irene. Day one down and gone well Blush 4 more to go. I found out the name of the treatment, pelvic vmat. It's supposed to be good for localised anal cancer. I am pleased to have found this forum and so many nice people xx

  • Hi Peapowered 

    So pleased your grandad has started his treatment. Sorry like Irene I have no idea why he can't go home with a full bladder. I had to have a full bladder for treatment but was allowed to go home without emptying. Hope everything goes well for your grandad. Xx