
  • 12 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I have just 8 treatments to go so finally I feel the end is in sight.  Everything is very sore and I have developed a painful haemorrhoid. For those of you who have finished treatment,, will this shrink and disappear or am I now stuck with it ?


  • Luckily I didn’t experience haemorrhoids but did get a painful fissure. Hopefully someone will come to your rescue with some information 


  • Hi Julie,

    Maybe that’s what I have.

    Did it go ?

    Jane xx

  • Hi Jane yes it did heal up. Basically I got constipated and passed a large stool which tore the radiated skin. Wasn’t very pleasant and was prescribed an ointment which was called something like ditzapen.  Unfortunately it can give migraines to some people and I was one of them! Lots of warm soaks in a sitz bath. I bought these bags full of tiny beads which you put in the freezer from Amazon which mums put on their episiotomy stitches to help sooth them and they helped. I also go some tamanu oil and mixed with some vit e oil and gently rubbed around the anal area to help keep skin soft. The fissures gradually went and I didn’t get any more. 


  • Hi Julie,

    That sounds really painful, I am so pleased that you managed to heal.

    Thank you for the advice, I like the idea of the tamanu  oil mixed with vit e oil, I am currently using Paw Paw balm which seems to be helping.

    Jane xx

  • Hello Jet1414

    My childbirth piles came back with a vengence at the end of treatment (a bit later than you) - I was on opioid painkillers which cause constipation, definitely not to be recommended especially at the latter end of treatment.  I then (rather late in the day) started taking Laxido which helped keep my stools soft but I still have the piles to this day.  But they are not engorged any more and don't cause any pain.  Only eight treatments to go; you have done so well and just look forward to the day when you no longer have the hospital visits and you can concentrate on recovery.

    And remember to keep your treating team informed about your pain levels - they can prescribe medication the same day if needs be to see you through these last weeks.

    Sending hugs.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Jet,

    As my treatment was coming to an end, I developed a really sore bottom and it felt like something was sticking out, It was tender to touch or wash, but I never found out what it was. It was really annoying and I kept trying to push it back in, but it just came out again. I have not had haemorrhoids so don't have anything to compare.

    I asked my onc if it was some sort of skin tag but he seemed to think it was just a result of the treatment and said we should wait and see how it settles. I am now three years post treatment and doing great but I still have my 'tag'. I can't feel it now but know it's there from when I shower and wash.

    I don't know if what you have is a haemorrhoid - have you been told it is? - but whatever I have doesn't affect me at all, so my advice would be let things calm down for a good few weeks after you finish, and ask when you go for first check up, or see what radiotherapists have to say about it. 

  • Morning Irene,

    I think mine is a childbirth pile that has come back, it’s not too bad, just sore and annoying. I am taking the Laxido in conjunction with the morphine so hopefully I won’t develop any more.

    I am having a good weekend which is encouraging to face my final week. My last treatment is on Christmas Eve I feel very lucky to have got this far and everyone’s comments on here has helped enormously.

    Jane xx

  • Hi,

    Yes I think that would be classed as a haemorrhoid, I have several from childbirth that haven’t given me any trouble over the years until now.

    I just hope it shrinks down after my treatment ends and stops bleeding which yours obviously has, so that’s very encouraging.


  • I have skin tags that have got worse during treatment! I’m not sure about haemorrhoids as they discussed them before so was diagnosed but not sure whether I had them or whether the symptoms were down to the tumour. Regardless I have lots of bright red blood when passing stools. Have any of you experienced that? 

  • Hi Heather09

    I finished on the 6th November. I had really bad diarrhoea on Wednesday evening and had bright red blood the following morning but it was just the once.  X