Got my start date!

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  • 42 subscribers

After my initial meeting with the oncologist yesterday got some phone calls today with some appointments!!   

Mon 2nd oncologist to sign forms etc.

Tues 3rd  MRI,  CT and mapping tattoo.

18th  Maggie meeting to be shown around radiotherapy centre and meet the team.  Then after that preassessment.

23rd Treatment begins. Intravenous chemo and radiotherapy then tablets given to be taken for the 28 day course. 

I wonder what happens with the Christmas and New Year bank holidays and how it all slots back into place with 5 days on 2 days off?

Just  3 weeks to go now!!!Relaxed

  • Had ct and mri scans yesterday for mapping and tattoos.  All went very smoothly and pleasantly.  I was there very early as the traffic to Leeds was very light and found a parking space quickly so I popped into Maggies. 

    I was really impressed. Great welcoming atmosphere, calm comfy private areas on different levels. You can chat to people if you want to or just be alone and make yourself a drink and have a snack.  

  • That’s great news. Yes Maggie’s is an amazing resource. When I got my bad news I ‘ fell ‘ into it and was met with such support and compassion. I often popped in if I was early for an appointment. The one I go to has excellent support groups too. They have experts at hand for everything including financial information about coping when you’re not well enough to work etc.

    Hope everything runs smoothly for you on this journey.
