Ladies bits

  • 13 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone I start my radiotherapy and chemotherapy on the 14 th October 

Unfortunately We only have a shower, and I wonder if anyone can recommend 

a cloth that I can soak in Epsom Salts to help my skin in that delicate place.Ideally

one that I could throw away each time.I think a flannel would be too rough

love Patricia xx

  • Hi I would recommend buying a sitz bath from Amazon .there not expensive you can wee in it as well  as it burns 

  • Yes, I would def say get a sitz bath - it fits over the toilet seat and you can soak in Epsom Salts, or just use it to clean your bottom, much more soothing than scraping with paper. Also some people find it helps to actually go to the loo in the sitz bath if that becomes uncomfortable, and its easy to empty and clean.

  • Hey Patricia

    As others have suggested use a sitz bath - mine was collapsible so folded up when not in use!  (Amazon)
    We have a shower over a bath but juse couldn’t sit comfortably in the bath - the shower was my best friend. For wee annd opening your bowels or just relief / soaking it’s absolutely priceless.  Keep it close to the loo and filled up ready

    I never had the courage to use salts but get your creams in place and pain relief conversation early so you don’t end up as I did panicking and scared x macmillan and your treatment team will listen.  Don’t wait for help always call, ask and they will come up with what suits you.  

    And this forum for help too it’s absolutely a life saver. 

    thinking of you Angie x

  • Thank you everyone. I’ve just ordered a Sitz bath

    off Amazon.Which creams do you recommend ladies

    big hugs xx

  • My radiologist gave me flamazin  you need anything with sulphur for the burns ask your radiologist they will know which is best and  will give you a prescription 

  • Hi I've just finished week 1 and I've just been using E45. My medical team said E45, aveeno, aloe vera gel 99.9% there was another one but I've forgotten. They have given me flamigel to use if I need it but so far E45 has been fine ( I know it's early days). They also gave me instillagel which numbs everything which I have occasionally put on my tumour as some of it is external. I have to say I've much preferred showering over baths. Good luck for the 14th. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hello Patricia

    I am a huge fan of the Sitz bath and you have already been pointed in that direction.  I also found Aldi baby lotion (which contains coconut oil) liberally applied to loo paper very soothing and less painful for wiping.

    Get your calendar ready to mark off the days!

    Irene xx

  • Hi, Im 6 weeks post treatment…..I would 100% recommend water wipes so good for wiping and also i would sometimes just place one on the area which was stinging or burning and it did give some relief. 

  • Sensitive skin Baby wipes were recommended to me. But Sitz baths, soakingmy bumm in tepid water 15-20 mins 2x day helped. Plus my Aloe Vera plant was very Generous & Supportive. RT team said my skin healed very quickly. Best o' luck!!! *t

  • Helloo. I didn't wipe when I was in the sore stage of treatment. After every bathroom used would shower myself off then let myself air dry. Baby wipes even were a bit too much. I didn't go in the bath as it irritated me. Xx