Treatment Anxiety

  • 20 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi I know what I would tell someone else and I keep telling myself it but the closer my treatment gets to starting my anxiety, funny tummy whatever you want to call it is getting worse. I just want to run away and not do it which I know is stupid and not an option. Can't tell anyone how I'm feeling as everyone thinks I'm handling it fine. Easier to tell the truth on here.

  • Most of us on here have suffered with anxiety , it’s a normal reaction . Focus on today , not yesterday or next week … you are safe and the lovely people on here will help you through this step by step .. We have all been there or about to be there . Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask 

    Take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Chrissie thank you for reply. I keep telling myself one day at a time and told someone on here that the other day, but my head keeps going to side affects short and long term, what if it doesn't work, probably not being able to work during treatment so worry about my job, feeling guilty for how I feel as there are people worse than me. It's such a head f**k . From reading your bio you must be post treatment now, how are you doing ?.Xx

  • Hi , 

    I’m doing well thanks , good days , not so good but coping well with the anxiety and the treatment , during and post will you . Take one day at a time and you will cope … don’t push yourself too hard , rest when you can and tick each day off the calendar 

    big hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi  ,

    What you're feeling is totally normal.  One day at a time and once you actually get started into the daily schedule of your treatments it's likely that you'll start to feel more in control and less anxious.

    I know that might sound unreachable right now, but honestly it will feel different once you start.  In the meantime, just be kind to yourself and do things that help you to feel happy/distracted etc... whatever works for you x

  • Bungle1

    The fear of the unknown can be overwhelming and I can totally empathise.  But I should stress that the actual radiotherapy is totally painless and over in minutes.  And it is important to know that the side effects don't all come at once, it is a very gradual thing as the weeks pass.  I kept a calendar and counted off the days and when I got to the end, it was such a relief not having to go to the hospital every day.  Some people suffer side effects from the chemo but the treating team will keep a very close eye on you.  And if you are in pain, nauseous or anything at all, tell them.  They have lots of creams and lotions and different pain relief that can be given to you the same day.

    I was fortunate in that I am retired and didn't have to work and my heart goes out to those who have this additional worry on top of everything else.  But if you can, put that to one side (easier said than done, I know) and concentrate on getting through this.  We are here to support you all the way.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Bungle1

    I totally get this, a friend of mine had treatment for Breast cancer and bit my head off when I said she was brave - she couldn't tell anyone else but said to me she was terrified and didnt feel brave at all.    NOW having had the treatment you are starting I get it - I would suggest confide in some of your family or friends about how you feel - restrict visitors as they will wear you out and the next day you will be so tired.  I couldn't say no to kind people coming to check on me - also I had too many flowers it was ridiculous - they are not allowed anymore and I am firm with people who want to pop in.  One a day and not returning too often x Thats ok as you need to rest and be ready for the next day to do what you need to do.  

    Most importantly lean on this forum as you get the truth here x also everyone is so different you may or may not have the same situation as on or more of us all.  Keep asking and keep in contact as lots of people on here will answer regularly - sending you a strong big hug and use your Specialist Nurses, the team at the hospital and never wait to ask questions, I called and asked everything that was on my mind and it helped a lot x   Also push for all pain relief you need - dont be tough its not needed. Slow release morphine saved my bacon on top of other stuff.... xxxx Angie 

  • Hi Angie I understand your friend everyone keeps saying how strong I am and I just want to scream at them (I haven't yet). I know they mean well but I don't feel strong, although it is partly my fault I think as I just say I'm fine bit anxious when people ask. I'm rubbish at asking for help. Hope you are doing OK. Xx

  • Hi  , I’m sure most here can completely sympathise with the way you’re feeling, it’s an awful time. Please know that this is a safe place for you to come & get it all off your chest. I agree with the advice already given here, just concentrate on getting through today, try not to think about tomorrow or any further ahead than today just now. When the time comes try & approach your treatment the same way, just a day at a time, try not to preempt side effects that may or may not happen your treating team will have all kinds of lotions and potions to help. 
