Calcification of lymph nodes

  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

My cancer had spread to my distant lymph nodes. Following chemo and radiation my oncologist was happy that the cancer had been successfully treated from below the hips. However, in the lymph nodes , there was either calcification of the nodes, or it is persistent cancer. It's a 50% chance of either.So having a scan 3mths later to see if there is any progression.

Has any one else gone through this? Any thoughts as to the implications if it is persistent cancer?

I saw my GP this morning, who couldn't understand why I needed  to have another scan, saying that the radiologist had said that it was calcification, and too ignore what the oncologist had said.

However, the oncologist had told me that it can be hard to differentiate between cancer and calcification, so I am assuming that she is correct.

Has any one else gone through a similar thing?  Any thoughts as to why the Dr. and the radiologist are saying one thing, and my oncologist the other?

It's a bit unsettling when you get two such different opinions about the same thing.

Take care..and be good to yourselves!

  • Hi my cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes and I am having chemo now to hopefully reduce it  .it a

    Is also in the anal region once I've had the chemo they will look at the results then decide what to do .Hopefully your oncologist knows best but like they said you will only know from scan I know its worrying and unsettling but we're in their hands take cate and let us know if you have any more information one thing about this forum we all understand and can empathise xx

  • I am going to side with my oncologist with this one!  xx

  • Hello Mikel2000

    I am not surprised in the least at you are finding it unsettling, I would too.  My initial oncologist was right about so many things I disregarded the opinions (if possible) of any other doctor I saw.  And I am also rather surprised at your GP sticking his/her neck out in an area where it is unlikely that they have real expertise.  I was told by one oncologist there was 'something' in the peritoneum and spent several agonising days before I saw the lead and she told me, 'I am not a betting person but I don't think this is spread, I think it is inflammation'.  And it was.  But in the meantime several other doctors would purse their lips and say 'of course, there it this area...'

    Hopefully your scan in three months will confirm calcification, it is good that they are keeping a very close eye on you, I will keep absolutely everything crossed for you.

    Irene xx

  • Wow, that's a big either/or!

    I hadn't heard of either node calcification or persistent cancer, and I don't like either one now that I've looked them up.

    I don't know why it's so hard to differentiate between them, which is probably due to my lack of having any medical education. But I sure hope they can figure this out soon. 

    Have they discussed the various protocols that might be used, depending on what/when/how they decide?

    Please keep us posted!



  • In general, I have had a few instances where a GP has shown lack of knowledge when it comes to some aspects of cancer and it's treatment.  

    He did finish by saying that 'Maybe the oncologist knows something the he didn't'.

    I can only assume that the oncologist has come across this before, hence her

    ordering another scan.

    Mike xx

    in general I h

  • If it is calcification, that's nothing to worry about. Other wise I will be put on another round of chemo. However, as it is a rare cancer, and it's very rare for it to spread to distant lymph nodes, there are no protocols, there being little to base it on. 

    I am sure that they will have some idea of what is the best course of action.

    Hugs back..xx