Bladder problems before and during treatment

  • 6 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Hi everyone , 

did anyone have urine retention before diagnosis , worse with treatment and leakage during the treatment ? 
I have never had this problem before and wondered if it was down to the condition , treatment or both ?

have a peaceful weekend ,

sending love 

Chrissie xx

  • Hi  ,

    I didn’t notice anything prior to or during treatment but I do think I get some urine retention now especially in the mornings & if I’ve held on longer than I should have to go to the loo, I feel as though I’m possibly not emptying my bladder completely all in one go, it sometimes feels like it takes going a couple of times in quick succession to feel as though my bladder is empty. I’m aware that obviously our whole pelvic area gets some fallout from the radiotherapy & wonder if I’ve a bit of stenosis of my urethra or if my bladder has hardened slightly I’m considering mentioning to my GP. On the other hand it could just be an age thing! 


  • Thanks Nicola , 

    this condition has been a massive learning curve and once again the forum is like a comfy blanket .. I never thought I would need to resort back to panty liners !!! Joy

    have a peaceful weekend , 

    loads love and hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hello Chrissie

    I have exactly the same symptoms as Nicola - the days of emptying my bladder in one go seem to be past!  I have to wait and then I pass some more.  I leak a tiny bit each day but I don't think it is urine?  I wear panty liners so it isn't a problem.  If you have urine retention it might well be that everything is swollen and protesting - I would mention it to your treating team.

    Best of luck!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene , 

    I don’t think it is urine either , although oncologist given me 3 days antibiotics as no bacterial infection in urine , but white cells .. interesting the whole pelvic area is swollen … so it stands to sense we would have this problem .. 

    have a peaceful bank holiday 

    sending love 

    Chrissie xx

  • I had a watery discharge throughout treatment and for some time afterwards. I got bad retention during and it was painful to but that cleared up fairly quickly. X

  • Thank you feather for sharing that .. I had urine retention a little while before my treatment but didn’t expect I would need panty pads throughout !!! Im on week 3 at moment and it’s a learning curve every day ..

    take care 

    Chrissie xx