Last week!

  • 3 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Morning all

So we're here, the beginning of the end of this awful journey for this part at least!

On the whole, I've managed quite well, apart from the mouth sores, sore hips in the 1st couple of weeks, and some radiation burns now, i feel ive got away with some of the side effects so thats always a bonus

On the subject of the neck fiasco, i have an appt on Thursday with my nurse, hopefully clear it all up then, and the next day, the friday, this friday, will be my last day! 

  • You have been such a brick, Happyforager! Almost there! Whoo hoo!



  • I can’t believe you’re almost done  , I’m so pleased you’re nearing the end of treatment & also pleased you’ve an appointment regarding your throat! Got everything crossed that it’s something & nothing & easily resolved. Hopefully after Friday you’ll be able to begin your recovery & get back to living your life. Nearly thereMuscleMuscle


  • Happyforager2

    I am SO pleased to hear you are almost at the end of your treatment, absolutely wonderful news, well done.  Now you need to put your feet up and recover.  Be very kind to yourself, your body has been through a marathon of treatment and needs lots of mollycoddling! 

    Irene xx