Still awaiting treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Good afternoon everyone. 

It's a Saturday again I mark this day because of Strictly Come Dancing which has been partially how I have tolerated and got through these past weeks.

My dear Dad and my friends have been such incredible and uplifting support.

I am sure we have all had our.gpod and not so good days. 

I met with my doctor and specialist nurse two and a half weeks ago. They couldn't have been more lovely and put up with the many questions I had for them. Still many more weren't asked. I then had my CT plan scan which I believe I have previously written about. We, Dad and I were then led to believe that the treatment, in my case chemo a radiotherapy combined would most likely start 2 weeks from the plan scan. 

It would now appear to not be the case which has thrown me off kilter, I only have to hope that it will be the following week. As all this time I am thinking I have a ticking time bomb inside me that needs to be unwired and.therefor unable to wreak any further havoc. My Doctor earlier this week said it shouldn't spread, in her experience with this type of tumour. 

I'm avoiding the Internet for questions and don't wish to read of recurrences or any other such possibility. We can only go on what the experts in their field know and deal with on a daily basis  

My colorectal nurse has been off this past week I can't wait to speak with her this coming Monday. 

The Macmillan nurses on the 0800 number and the counsellors have proved so vital.

I send you all love and positive thoughts 

PaddyBud x

  • Hi PaddyBud,

    Good for you for avoiding the huge temptation to google madly. It's so insidious, and rarely ends well. But what is going on with this delay? Maybe it won't spread, but for almost all of us, the speed with which we were hustled into treatment was dizzying. I sure hope you get some answers tomorrow!



  • PaddyBud

    I had to look back and my treatment started two weeks after planning, so I hope you get some definite dates today.  Waiting around when you want to be getting on with treatment is the absolute worst, I really feel for you.

    Please let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx