Bad day!!

  • 2 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi all having a bad day I’ve been ok the past couple of days but today I’ve been thinking it will never end, my friends are going out Friday but don’t know if I can go it’s for a 40th birthday! I’m feeling really down an fed up I’ve not been out the house for 3 weeks apart from hospital an drs 

  • Hello Kimj

    It must be really disappointing to miss something that you would enjoy; you are on a lot of pain medication and going out mightn't be such a good idea, but if you do go, could you limit it to an hour?  I am reluctant to suggest something that might go against what you are up against health-wise, but on the other hand getting out for only a short time might do you the world of good.  Alternatively, how about arranging a night out in a few weeks time when hopefully you will be feeling a lot better than you are right now?

    Whatever you decide, I am sure that your friends will completely understand your situation.

    Take care!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Kimj

    if the 40th celebrations are a bit much could you suggest to one or two friends about meeting for something more low key, like coffee and (birthday) cake for a hour or so over the weekend? I know you’re on a lot of pain meds but maybe a social get together for a shorter amount of time might seem more manageable? 
    Or as Irene suggested just go for an hour and you might find that you are enjoying it and able to stay a bit longer,  or that might just be enough . 