After treatment

  • 24 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi me again, hope everyone is ok! 
it’s been 3 months since I had treatment an I’m still in so much pain there’s a hole that’s opened up on my bum from radiotherapy was at hospital today because it’s leaking so much apparently it’s where the cancer was an it’s just getting rid of all the rubbish that’s in there! I’m not coping at all I just cry all the time my depression is at rock bottom I have no idea how people stay strong throughout it all I’m crumbling…have suicidal thoughts!! 
I had an appointment with mental health team today for them to turn round an say they won’t assess me an to ring MacMillan instead?? I’m not sure how much more I can take I’m scared so much! 

  • Hi KimJ welcome to the forum. I dont know a huge lot about your type of Cancer but I can relate to all that you say on your post about how you are feeling, as many of us have felt like this at different times. It is little wonder that your depression has raised its head and making you feel awful, it . all sounds very distressing for you and I can imagine  that you will be in constant pain with this as well.

    I am conscious that the Macmillan phoneline is not open again until 8am tomorrow. However, I wonder if you felt able to  give the Samaritans a ring and have a chat with them now  with a view to speaking to someone at Macmillan in the am. Its ok to be scared its not nice but it is ok to feel like that so don't beat yourself up for your feelings. 

    Samaritans: 116 123 open 24 hours per day.

    Macmillan Line 08088080000. 


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  • Thankyou fir your reply. I’m sick of trying to reach out to people an getting fobbed off Disappointed I’ve told doctors an people at hospital that I’m in a lot of pain but apparently ibuprofen an paracetamol should be enough?? I feel like after treatment your on your own to deal with it all if that makes sense! I feel like I’m screaming out for help but no one can hear me! It’s heartbreaking that we are all going through this. I’ll talk to MacMillan over web chat I’m not good at speaking on the phone! 

  • Kimj

    I am not surprised you are depressed with a wound that is leaking and painful and it doesn't sound as if you are getting any support from the mental health team, I am really shocked at their brush-off.

    But you need help, and fast.  Please go and see your GP without delay.  Tell him exactly what you have told us, that you are having suicidal thoughts and how depressed your are, and ask him for help.  I am hopeful he will prescribe anti-depressants, my doctor did for me way back in the early days when I wasn't coping at all and contrary to what some people might think, the medication didn't make me oblivious or dopy, it just blunted the edges of the very intrusive thoughts that I had day and night.

    Please don't compare yourself to others or think that you are weak and they are strong and coping; nothing could be further from the truth, you have been traumatised by an illness and the ongoing effects and need help.  You ARE strong to have come this far, now go seek a little more help along the way.

    Please let me know how you get on, I am thinking of you and sending a huge hug.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene I’m taking sertraline which I was doing quite well on but since my diagnosis an treatment it’s just seemed to of stopped working? I’m shocked at there brush off as well I’ve been waiting months for this appointment for them to just say they can’t help me!! 
    I’m finding it really hard to stay positive I mean I can’t even sit down or walk properly I’m literally laid on the sofa day in day out, I have the district nurse coming every day to change the dressing they are the only people I see for like 5mins then they have gone. Hope your doing ok! 

  • Oh Kimj we hear you and we’re listening . Not that that helps with your physical pain . I definitely felt I was on my own after treatment but as draining as it is, keep on at them or see your GP urgently if you can . I’m so sorry that you haven’t had the support you need so far but I’m sure the Macmillan web chat will be able to help you . Please let us know how you get on . Sending a massive hug xx

  • Thank you appreciate you all replying to me I’m just having a hard time which I’m sure we’ve all been through? I’m going to try an get an appointment tomorrow with my GP I’ll let you know what she says.

  • Yes do let us know what your GP says . Thinking of you and sending support xx

  • I am relieved you are seeing your doctor.  You may just need your dose upped for a while.  Both my daughters are on Sertraline (depression after childbirth) and the dosage has been adjusted from time to time.  I hope you doctor is more helpful.

    Sending a big hug, please let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx

  • Oh KimJ, I'm so upset to hear that you're being treated this way! With your poor tortured bum now experiencing this new outrage, it's just unconscionable that the mental health people are turning you away. Maxmillan is brilliant, but it's not hands-on health care and canNOT replace doctors. WTF?

    I think going through your GP may be a better route to take. Tell them everything, including the suicidal thoughts, and don't let yourself be brushed off. I'm just livid that no one is helping you!

  • Couldn’t see the GP I’m in so much pain I’m here just crying seriously can’t take it anymore