I tell people I have Anal Cancer to raise awareness

  • 13 replies
  • 38 subscribers


I have Anal Cancer they believe is caused by Lichen sclerosus, I tested negative for HPV 

This is from the NHS website 

Lichen sclerosus increases your risk of getting cancer on your vulva, penis or anus.

The risk is low, but it's a good idea to check yourself regularly and see a GP if you're worried.

Symptoms to look for include a lump, a change in skin texture, such as thickening, or an ulcer that does not go away.

Jinnie x 

  • Jinnie

    Welcome to the forum, and thank you for raising awareness, I am full of admiration in you doing this. I didn't know about this complaint causing anal cancer but you learn something every day!  I am sorry that it led to you developing anal cancer and hope that treatment is eradicating this.  Are you undergoing treatment at the moment?  `We have all been through it or are going through it and share lots of coping strategies.  If we can support in any way just post, or let off steam too, everyone understands.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene 

    I have posted previously and yes I'm going through treatment. 

    I finished dual therapy end Feb and my mri in June  shows its reoccurred. 

    I'm seeing the surgeon tmrw. 

    Please read my previous post for my journey. 

    Jinnie x

  • Sorry it doesn't appear that you can find my previous posts from my name as it doesn't say my name on post only the last person who commented. Am I correct ? 

  • Jinnie, I looked before I answered you because I remembered talking before and then I thought I must have been mistaken as no other posts were coming up under your name apart from the one where we were all discussing what we told people about our cancer.  So I am sorry, of course I remember your posts, I am just a bit confused, they must be doing maintenance on the site!

  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for putting this information out there, I’ll be perfectly honest & say I’d never heard of Lichens Sclerosus either, as the saying goes ‘every day is a school day’ eh? 

    I hope all goes well with your appointment today. 

    I remember your previous posts but was a little concerned that they seemed to have disappeared so I popped your username in the search box & all of your previous posts were there so hopefully it was just a technical glitch. 

    Once again lots of good luck wishes are winging their way to you for your appointment today. 


  • Hi Jinnie, that is so interesting to read about your experience with lichen sclerosis and many many months before my diagnosis I had developed irritation and soreness around my vaginal area and read up on the symptoms and were pretty much the same as this condition. I had not heard of this before and do now wonder if this was the start of my anal cancer but probably will never know. My hospital were not really concerned of causes but just treatment but feel we should know whatever the causes could have been. I even asked if it was by the HPV but they said they didn’t test for it and don’t basically bother. I think knowing early about symptoms is very important but sometimes with doctors they probably worry about being bombarded with people thinking that they are getting all kinds of things because of GOOGLE and we can easily be seen as paranoid.

  • Hi All 

    I'm surprised that lichen sclerosus is not heard of as I work in a GP surgery and our Lady Dr's are very aware of it and say it very common. 

    I must also say that after my menopause my skin has definitely worsened I have exema on soles of my feet and palms of my hands also nape of my neck. One thing with my dual therapy is itcall cleared up. But back now with vengeance. 

    The Dr's don't seem to worry where this invader has come from but concentrate on treating it. 

    I'm unsure what's happened to my previous posts, whether I'm not using this site properly? When I want to do a new post do I see my old posts in box ?  Because I am 

    Thanks all for  best wishes today, I must say I'm so nervous of what's ahead. 

    Jinnie x 

  • Jinnie

    I think you are using the site properly, but I am baffled that you can see your old posts, I can't see any of mine!  

    I think it is totally understandable that you are nervous and once you have the meetings and the team outline a plan for you, you will feel a lot more positive.  The waiting is always nerve-wracking but once you know you will feel at least something is happening.

    I'm sorry that you are dealing with eczema on top of everything else, my sister and my daughter both suffer from it, and my daughter find the back of the neck worst of all.

    Please let us know how your appointment goes.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Irene

    If you click on your name, and then hit the “activity” button it brings up your old posts, might need to do a bit of scrolling to go back to the older ones. In fact you can see anyone’s previous posts by doing this on their name and activity.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Sarah, I did do that but in Jinnie's case nothing came up for previous posts bar one.  I have just checked again and the previous posts are there!  

    Irene xx