4 months later?

  • 8 replies
  • 36 subscribers
  1. Hi Morning I finished my treatment 14th December 2022 had a very difficult time like some but very slowly improving with some things. When going for a number 2 recently it has become very sore again and seen some blood only light and not much. I take cosmoCol daily but if my number 2s aren’t very small it’s extremely uncomfortable still is this normal? I have reduced my pain relief down slowly from 40mg to 5mg Oxycodone and paracetamol just wondering if I’ve reduced it too much and should increase to 10mg. Thank you. 
  • Hello GreenNanny

    I am almost fourteen months out of treatment and I still need to make sure that I have Laxido daily, skinny poos are a must!  Most people's bodies change to some degree after radiotherapy, I have stenosis in the back passage and the haemorrhoids that came back during treatment have not yet resolved.  In the early months having a bowel movement was so painful I was told that I could go back on morphine syrup, but since that caused the constipation, I just gritted my teeth and things did get better, but it took quite a while.  In all honestly I can't say having a bowel movement is totally comfortable now, but not like it was in the early months after treatment.  It sounds as if your slight bleeds are very much to do with the consistency of your stools, and you could need a stool softener rather than a laxative.  I would see what your nurse says, and ask her advice about the pain relief too.  I hope you get some relief soon.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Nanny, I'm sorry things are still so uncomfortable. It hasn't been that long yet, although time goes wibbly wobbly when it comes to our cancer journey. I'm a year out and at this moment VERY sore. But a few days ago I was able to go to bed with zero meds or ointments and it felt so freeing! I'm hoping for more of that.

    I don't take any laxatives as they react way too strongly for me. I take about 10 capsules of psyllium husk every day and try to be diligent about drinking all the water I need. But if you're still taking Oxy that might not be enough. I think the best way to proceed is to gauge your oxy and paracetamol solely by the pain levels, and then approach the constipation from the other end (sorry, couldn't resist.) If you can soften your stools enough, you probably won't need to increase your pain meds. 

    I do think it's normal to still be struggling with regulating bowel movements and handling pain control at this point, and hopefully it's a measurable improvement from a few months ago. But if you continue to deal with bleeding, pain and hard poops, I'd call your team and see what they suggest. 

    Smooth Move tea helps me when it's just in need of a tweak. It'll give me cramps if I drink more than a cup, but maybe it will be the interim step you need.



  • Hi Irene thanks for the reply. I’m taking 10ml of liquid Oxycodone in the day when needed I have needed it more regularly the last couple of weeks due to back pelvis and hips pain. Think you’re probably correct it may be the meds liquid I’m taking extra and I need a extra cocmoCol I’ll try that first. Thank you keep well xx 

  • Hi Suz thank you for your reply think you’re right too think I need to increase my cosmoCol. I’ll try that Take care xx 

  • GreenNanny, I had a look before I answered you last time and Cosmocol is a laxative (not a stool softener) and there is a difference.  I would try the stool softener which works really well in making poos bearable.

    Best of luck!

    Irene xx

  • Hello GreenNanny, it’s an up and down journey isn’t it. So you are around four months post treatment? You are still very much early days and from what I can remember it was still tough opening bowels and I was still using the sitz bath particularly first thing in the morning. If I had a particular larger stool I would get odd bits of blood as you are still a bit fragile there but always tell your treating nurse that you have had some slight bleeding even if it’s just for their records. I also started to get really painful hip pain around that time that I had to go back on the morphine and they gave me an X-ray just to check if there was any small fractures. This eventually passed and I did some floor stretching with my hips every evening to help keep things mobile.  I agree with the others that you should stick with stool softeners rather than laxatives which speed bowel activity. I also had pain going to the toilet for a considerable time and when I went I would sing at the top of my voice in my head if you know what I mean! Didn’t want to scare the neighbours. I did have trouble with having numerous bowel movements which didn’t help with the soreness but then they decided I should try the FODMAP diet but that was me and many on here I’m sure don’t have that problem. I now am introducing my normal foods back and doing great. You will become your own expert when it comes to learning what foods effect you and what to steer away from for a while until you start to heal. You are very much travelling along a bumpy road doing well managing pain and then sometimes the unexpected happens. Nerves are damaged and you will get better. Your nurse will be the best person to advise on pain relief but if you have concerns about the medication then tell them. I think I was around 10 months post treatment I started taking blackstrap molasses just a teaspoon in the evening in a warm glass of water before bed which kept my stool soft and regular to once or twice in the morning unless I was silly with my diet! You are getting there and doing great. Julie

  • Hi Irene thanks I had no idea it was the hospital that prescribed it I’ll ask xx 

  • Morning Julie thank you fir the reply. I’ll definitely look in to this it’s good to know maybe I’m expecting to much to soon and I think I’d reduced my pain medication to quickly. Take care xx