Feeling anxious for treatment ahead - any advice welcomed! Anyone tried hyperbaric oxygen therapy during / after radiation?

  • 23 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi I'm so glad to have been directed to this group as I was feeling quite alone! I appreciate may be relevant info on older posts, so I'll have a search through too but thought I'd post & introduce myself.

I've just been diagnosed with anal cancer. All I know is it's a skin cancer, Squamous, & linked to HPV virus.  Initially GP thought I had hemorrhoids despite me saying how much pain I was in and being given creams that didn't work - 6 months later & excruciating constant pain I had to see a private specialist who sent me straight to hospital. Surgery happened within a couple of days to remove external lumps and on internal investigation I was told a mass was found internally. Biopsy and tests confirmed cancer.

Had a PET CT scan today. Still waiting to see oncologist but I'm aware the treatment is chemo & radiation. Unsure of exact details / duration but seems chemo given at start, followed with 4-6 weeks of radiation Mon-Fri each week, then chemo at end again. I've read the burning etc.. can last a few weeks extra post last session.

If anyone knows of any alternative treatments, e.g. immunotherapy etc.., to look into I'd really appreciate it.

It's the radiation that I'm getting more and more scared about the more I read - not only the burns and blisters as treatment goes on, but the possible post radiation impacts. I've got a list of Q's for the oncologist but I guess at the end of the day it'll be my choice if to choose traditional treatment or not.  I've come across info on the hyperbaric oxygen therapy and I'm considering having this during treatment (as a complimentary treatment) and post treatment (whatever finances allow that is!).Has anyone used the hyperbaric oxygen with success? 

I've also read acupuncture can help with possible side effects - has anyone used this during / after treatment?

Also I would whole heartedly welcome any advice anyone has on the intense sessions of radiation, any useful tips (which we tend to get in hindsight!) would be very much appreciated! I'm a single mother with young child so I'm trying to manage expectations as much as possible. I appreciate we all react differently but with my son in mind I'd rather know worst case scenarios as I'm wanting to try to keep things as normal as possible for him as long as possible. Many many thanks Sunflower X

  • Do you think the gut bacteria tablets are better ? 

  • Hi  , I’ve never had the tablets but the goats milk kefir was really good stuff, it’s so lively that you have to be really careful when opening it, it’s sometimes like opening a shaken bottle of champagne!! ChampagneChampagne

  • Hi  really appreciate your reply, thanks.  I'm on week 5 now, it's the chemo that's knocked me through past few weeks, but yes I can definitely feel the impacts of the radiation now. 

    I am having HBOT sessions in-between and will also do them afterwards, I defo feel they help with the fatigue currently and as you mention I pers. consider they will assist with a quicker healing time Fingers crossed I didn't do the HBOT on the first week with chemo, so will be interesting to see if helps with that now in last week - although the potency of the 5FU has been reduced as I reacted so bad the first time so too many variables to consider at times. 

    Useful info on the supplements you're taking. I was only told on monday my calcium levels are low, I knew this would happen as I've never been a big diary eater or get that much in my diet.  So I'm taking calcium, vit d3 & k2.  I was considering collagen too so I will look into this.  I'm 44 but over past few years have been through a rough peri-menopause phase, so I've been kind of wanting that over with.  Will be interesting to see if any changes to my symptoms.

    Thanks so much for sharing - I hope to get back on track with exercise too soon.  I used to be very active....although have been lucky if I manage a 5min walk to shop since last October due to pain I was in! So I'm focusing on a holiday in peak district / Lakes for some inspirational walks during the summer.  Gives me something to aim for anyway and to ease back into things Relaxed I also wish you all the very best ahead, take care Xx