First Post Treatment Appointment - An Update

  • 9 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I've just come back from my first appointment (with a coleorectal surgon) following the end of my treatment (which was at the end of May) and have been given the best news - it's gone !!

My scans show a full clinical (I think that's the term he used) response.  No sign of the tumour, any spread and lymph nodes are clear.  I also had a rectal examination today and he said from what he can see everything is clear and I'm healing well.

I can't quite believe it.  I was told very early on that the first scan was unlikely to be clear as the chemo and radiotherapy continue to work after the actual treatment has finished.

I'm so happy, but weirdly numb too.  It all feels very surreal.  There has been lots of tears of relief and messaging friends and family.

I know it isn't really over, I'm now under surveillance for the next 4 years and the fear of a recurrence is still very real but for now, I'm going to celebrate.

Thank you to all of you on here who comment and share your experiences, it all helped me so so much from very early on and I hope my good news helps others to feel some positivity too.

Georgie x 

  • That’s amazing news Georgie … I don’t see my oncologist till October and he said at 6 months post treatment , they would know .. seems like a long wait … you have done really well …. 
    take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Georgie, 

    That’s brilliant news, I’m so pleased for you, it must be such a relief! You can now put this all behind you and live the life you want to live, I’m sure it will have changed your perspective quite a bit. Enjoy every day. 

    Very best wishes from Adele. BlushXxx

  • Hi Georgie,

    Fab news, you must be absolutely delighted! I know what you mean about feeling weirdly numb - at my first meeting the oncologist examined me rectally and said the same, and I was absolutely dumbstruck; Afterwards I stood in the corridor (on my own, it was just after covid) and felt as though he had picked me up and swung me round his head before plonking me dazed, outside his office. I just couldn't believe it. I always imagined I would be running around the clinic shouting 'Woo Hoo!!!' when I heard those words, but I just walked back out to my car and texted my husband. 
    Weirdly numb is exactly right. 

    But it means the treatment has been effective, so celebrate and enjoy it.

    I am still having check ups, and every one is a little worrying, but as time passes I relax a little more each time.

    Wishing you healing and happiness. xx

  • Georgie

    I am so happy to hear this - the best news ever for you.  You feeling numb is totally normal (at least on a cancer forum), most of us go through this after the utter trauma of a cancer diagnosis.  Go out and celebrate, and we are all celebrating with you!

    Irene xx

  • Hey Georgie 

    A fantastic notice to read and so happy for you!  Everyone else still on their journey like me will take good feels from this and hope the same for us x 

    thank you for sharing! 

  • Many on here like me wish you the very best. Great to hear good news even though sometimes you don’t know how you are expected to feel. Those that go back to how it was before Anal Cancer is fantastic and some of us that deal with certain aftermath issues usually find ways of dealing with it and enjoy life. About a month after my first news I don’t know why by I got depression but had a brilliant counsellor at our local cancer care facility. Life is full of challenges and you have overcome a major one. Go out and celebrate 


  • Hi  , this is amazing news, huge congratulations!!… the ‘weirdly numb’ feeling you describe is quite normal, I had the exact same feeling at my discharge appointment, I’d undergone my 5 years surveillance & expected to feel the whole ‘party popper’ excitement feeling when they said they didn’t need to see me anymore but it was quite the anticlimax accompanied by that numb feeling! I think following the trauma of diagnosis then having the trials & tribulations that the treatment brings along with it, it just takes a little while to process good news for a change. Anyhoo enjoy your celebrations & congrats again. 


  • Georgie

    That is wonderful news , celebrate your journey having this positive result . As we all know there has been many anxious days and months already for us on this group and you are still going to hold some fears perfectly normal . The check ups will definitely be welcomed to offer you that reassurance. 

    I agree the friends we have made on this group has certainly made the days more bearable with the great support and understanding.

    I am getting my MRI next Friday and I’m keeping everything crossed that this will be good news too. 

    best wishes & hugs

    M x


  • Such amazing news Georgie, I’m so so happy for you Blush