Five Years?

  • 9 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Good morning all.

well I had my last CT SCAN last Monday according to my oncologist and I am post treatment of three years and 2 months.  I have an appointment with her at the end of October and told if all is well they don’t need to see me anymore! I suppose for this top Addenbrooke’s cancer care hospital it’s to do with cutbacks? Has anyone else been signed off so soon? She did mention if I had any concerns up to the five years I can come back so I felt a bit shocked at how quickly they want us off taken off their charter. Her words were Julie you at risk as any one else getting cancer now. Just wondering now if I will save on my health insurance if they are saying I’m at as much of a risk as the next person now. I just feel a bit disappointed with Addenbrookes whose aim is to become one of THE top cancer research hospitals in the world!!

Rant over and wish all members a positive journey and better treatment from their hospitals 

  • Well, on the one hand it's great news - perhaps they have realised now that if we are clear after 3 years, we're clear.

    I am at a similar stage to you, being seen at the end of 3 years next month but fully expecting to be put on to six-monthly checks until the 5-year mark, so will be interesting to see if there has been a general change in policy. I'm sure Addenbrookes are not going to cut corners, so I would say trust your onc's professional judgment, and celebrate.

    Maybe others here have experiences to share about whether this is how things are going.

    All the very best, Julie.

  • Julie

    Even if my cancer had been early stage (which it wasn't) I would still be concerned at the surveillance period being shortened.  I know of a couple of people (not anal cancer, mind) who have had it return after three years.

    I could say take the word of the oncologist and she is probably right, she is the expert, but if you are unhappy with this you could share your feelings on your next appointment in October and see what they say.  The most I have ever been told is that if my scans continue clear then they could consider lengthening the period between them to four months instead of three.  But we know we are not comparing like for like.

    Wasn't a rant in the least - keeping everything crossed that your scan is clear and that the doctor you see takes your feelings on board.

    Irene xx


  • Hi  ,

    I was told at my appointment on Monday that I would be under surveillance for the next 4 years, starting with 3 monthly checks then moving to 6 monthly if everything looked ok.  So maybe a change in overall policy?

    Georgie x

  • Hi Georgie since my treatment I have had 3 month checks up to now so was a bit surprised when I asked if my last CT full body scan was now going to be yearly but she said that will be your last. I suppose you just have to always be vigilant about any possible changes you might experience always.


  • I agree that going from 3 monthly to no scans at all is surprising, and slightly unnerving.  Definitely seems worth a conversation at your next appointment to raise your concerns x

  • I would just add that I had a scan two years afterwards, and my onc then said 'okay, no more imaging needed'. Now I just have my groin checked followed by the lovely 'rectal examination' when I go. 

  • Yes how we look forward to those rectal examinations Flushed

  • Hi Julie 

    I am two years post treatment.  I have only had MRI scans on pelvis rectum since the treatment.  First year every 3 months and second year 6 monthly.  I only saw the oncologist for the first six months then referred back to general surgery consultant for my check ups and scans.  I have my two year scan this month and then have one in a year when it will be three years and was told this will be the last.  I was surprised at this and thought it was five years like yourself.  I didn't have any spread to lymph nodes but did have a large tumour T3.

    Looks like everyone has different after treatment and scan timescales!  I will be worried being left after 3 years to be honest. 

    Best wishes

    Carole x

  • Hi  ,

    I was diagnosed at T1N0M0 & albeit I was only seen 12 monthly for the last 2 years I was still followed up for the full 5 years (no scans for the last 12 months), I was told on my final appointment that if I had any issues after my discharge then to just give them a call. I thought it was protocol that all cases, regardless of staging, were followed up with the standard 5 years surveillance! 
