Just me back

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi guys, just dropping in and letting all my lovely friends that I made during those difficult times and newbies know how I'm doing Smiley. I'm still working full time post diagnosis 2years ago and post treatment 2years ago this 31st of March. As the 'oldies' will know I definitely had my ups and downs during treatment and afterwards but I'm still here living my life, working full time and a very happy survivor of what a lot of you lovely people are going through now. I do have after effects but blinking heck I and you can live with them as long as we get through the treatment side and over the worrying. I found the worrying thing the worst and even now with a hospital appointment coming up in a couple of weeks no easier. Don't give up give yourself a goal...mine was getting back to work. My heart and best wishes go out to you all and tell you that these lovely people on this site are angels with the experience of what you are going through and the ability of personal experiences to help you through it...love and best wishes from Marie xxxx

  • I am so relieved to see your post!  The last I heard you had really bad shoulder pain and the doctor in A&E was full of doom and gloom.  So lovely to hear from you and that everything is going well.  Thank you for checking in, and delighted to hear things are going well for you.

    Irene xx

  • I agree!  I had my last PET scan was about 3 weeks ago. About 1 week before the scan, I suddenly realized that the scan might not be clean. I spent the 1 week before the scan and the week after until the results were known imagining the worst possible scenario and how I would handle this. 
    I think that anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis lives with the threat of a recurrence in the back of their mind always. My oncologist then told me I would have a CT scan in 3 mos to “look for metastatic disease”!  Now I have something worse to worry about!

    My non-medical family and friends think I’m cured and that I shouldn’t worry, but I’m a physician.  Luckily my significant other is a physician also and he’s the only one who understands why I get anxious.
    Currently I spend my days trying to live my life enjoying each day as a gift.  My SO plans enjoyable activities for me and keeps me focused on a cancer-free future, for which I’m grateful!  He’s been a rock throughout diagnosis, chemo and radiation, and loves me as I am. 

  • Hi Marie

    Thank you for dropping by to let us know how you are doing.  Wonderful to hear you are doing so well two years post treatment.  Hearing such inspiring stories is so uplifting your post made me smile this morning.

    I am 5 and half months post treatment and due an MRI scan in a couple of weeks and you are right these scans make you so anxious before and after waiting for the results. I'm the same some issues from the treatment but hey I can put up with them i'm alive and so much to look forward to. A granddaughter and grandson arriving in next few months to keep me on my toes. 

    Couldnt have managed without this forum and all the lovely people here who understand and share their stories. 

    Keep loving life Marie!

    Love and best wishes

    Carole x

  • Hey Marie ( ),

    Thanks for the update, it really is great to hear you’re doing so well. You’re right most of us can adjust to living with the longer term side effects of the treatment if they’re not too severe, I’m getting some physio at the minute to help with back & hip pain. Posts like yours offer encouragement to others not quite as far down the line & I’m pleased that some of you lovely lot choose to pop back to update us on how you’re going. Once again it’s lovely to hear you’re getting on with life.
