Update and question on avoiding labia sticking together

  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

So….I completed the 6 week treatment regime last Friday and am really glad to be done. Like many if you, my radiation burns continued to get worse after treatment ended.  I think maybe they are starting to turn the corner today.  We shall see.  Right now my biggest isssue is that my labia are sticking together as they are pretty praw.  Even when I spend the bulk of the day lying down with legs spread….they are still sticking.  Separating them is a new level of pain for me …even after soaking them in the bath for awhile.  Happens even liberal use of Aquaphor barrier after adding baby powder on top of aquaphor….and if I just leave the  th nothing on it.  Dr has no other suggestions except to keep the skin dry (already on that).   I read in the forum about using burn moisture pads…but no at to keep them in place while sleeping.  The directions say to tape them on…but everything is so tender..tape is not an option.  Just wondering if anyone has found another solution to try.  Thanks.! 

happy to be on the far end of the treatment cycle and hoping for the best   Thanks for all the q&a …I think I’ve read most of them and it helped me be prepared   


  • Hello Deb, I totally understand the relief you must be feeling that from now on it is just concentrating on recovery.  The first two weeks after treatment finishes, as you say, the burns can get worse as they did for me.  I didn't have the problem you are experiencing perhaps because we have slight physical differences in our nether regions, however, I had weeping sores and I used Flaminal Forte Alginate Gel prescribed by the oncologist, alongside Polymem non-adhesive wound dressing.  This is just a shot in the dark, but would it be possible for you to apply gel on both sides and put between the labia and wearing a pair of really comfy pants to keep everything in place?  It is what I did only between my buttocks as I had no skin on my anus and all around.  The gel works on the wounds and the dressing really doesn't stick.  I did have to use a new pad every time I had a bowel movement (about 10 times a day then) but the regime did provide relief and aided healing.

    I really hope everything goes well for you; you  mightn't believe it right now but in a few months you will look back at this period and wonder did I really go through that?  Maybe not you, but I do!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Debs, I have just read your post and you are the first one I have read that has experienced the sticking labia. I had this and green pus and I used to lay in bed holding the labia open to try and prevent it sticking but of course you fall asleep. I would have to tear the skin open and it would bleed but when I told my oncologist she said it was important to keep the skin apart whilst healing but no solutions or advice on what I could do to stop it. I did look up information about the polymem which you cut to what size you need and slightly wet it and place it on the sore areas and wear some loose cotton stretchy boxers. Personally I found them a bit uncomfortable and at the time I was opening my bowels numerous times and sitting in the sitz bath. I then bought some domeboro soaks sachets from Amazon. You open a sachet in a pint of warm water and then place a flannel in it the give the flannel a good wring out and place on your groin area for about fifteen minutes. The solution is medicated and an astringent which cools and cleanses inflamed skin. You can use this several times a day and don’t rinse it of and just pat dry. This helped the skin dry out to heal. Some of my labia to come away but did heal and the soaks also helped with the itching.

  • Hi Deb

    Glad you are finished treatment and on the road to recovery.  I had anal cancer 11 years ago and experienced similar to what you are going through now.  I found sitting in the bath helped and after patting dry with a soft towel I then used a hairdryer to finish of drying process so it wasn’t so uncomfortable.  I used a cream Doublebass on labia to stop them sticking together and found it really helped.  You will get through this, it takes time but it will definitely get much easier.  I wish you all the best. X

  • Hi  ,

    Just wanted to say a huge thank you for contributing to the forum so far on from your treatment & recovery, it’s always great to hear from people further down the line to oneself. Hoping you’re well & in good health. Thanks again. 
