Still suffering 4 months post radio and chemotherapy

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My mum finished 5 weeks of radiotherapy and chemo four months ago and js still suffering. We all feel the radiotherapy has done such irreparable damage to her body. She is still so sore in her anal region, it's painful to pass stools and she has jelly like substance that she can't control coming would be good to hear if others have experienced these symptoms.

  • Hi Hollyberry12

    the jelly is actually mucus which we all have which helps our stools come out, I was actually given a stoma before my treatment started which I really didn’t want, but when they told me my tumour was big and I was struggling to go a toilet im so glad I did, but I to have the mucus especially when sitting on the toilet which after is when I get the pain, I have oramorph and wouldn’t be without it. 
    what pain relief is your mum on maybe she needs something stronger what about a stool softener? 


  • Your poor mum. I'm still passing mucus, 8 months past treatment so that's not surprising. The pain seems all over the map. Mine is high right now because my latest anoscopy set everything off again, but prior to that it was doing much better. Some recover quickly once the treatments end, others take longer. 

    Are they giving your mum pain medication? I'd talk to them about the situation and see if things can't be changed up a bit. Is she constipated?

    Hope she finds relief soon.


  • There is doubt that for some people radiotherapy can take a toll on the entire area treated.  However, it does get easier, I am nine months out and the very painful bowel movements have given way to just painful.  I have narrowing of the back passage and developed severe piles although I am sure the original radiation sores internally have long healed. However the skin will always be very fragile. For me, key to the least painful stools is keeping them very soft, and I used Normacol every day.  I also had leakage, but fortunately haven't had about three months.  I think it is all a matter of time, and at four months out I was still racing to the loo (and sometimes not getting there in time).  Even now, I don't leave the house until I have had bowel movements, but then I am fine for the rest of the day.

    This period is hard, but it will ease off.  It would be a good idea to let the team treating her know of her difficulties.  I do hope her recovery speeds up.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Hollberry12 sorry to hear your mum still having symptoms.  I am at the same stage as your mum four months after treatment. I too get the mucus and can come suddenly especially with a bit of wind so I always use a small pad in my knickers when I go out just in case. I still have pain passing stools too.

    Think its normal at this stage my specialist nurse reassured me this was the case and would gradually get better. I am lucky as she is going to keep on ringing me regularly to see how i'm getting on even though I am back under my local hospital.

    So I just accept it and am just happy to be more or less back to normal and free of cancer .  Its a new way of life but i'm alive! 

    Please reassure your mum it will get better so nice she has you to care for her.

    Carole xx