3days till end of chemo radiotherapy!!!

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  • 38 subscribers

He everyone I’ve been quiet seen my treatment started started as it made me very tired and sleeping a lot. Come week 4 I’ve been in so much pain and discomfort!!!! I’ve done everything I’ve been advised and boy it’s hurts so much! I’m on paracetamol slow release morphine and liquid morphine every 3-4 hrs which has helped but my hiatus hernia and kidneys aren’t coping with the it all. Been in hospital overnight on antibiotics now and I’ve gone from terrible constipation to awful diarrhea. My poor bowels, groin and buttocks are soo sore swollen sticking and burning!! It’s burns terribly when I pee I dredge it!!I’ve used the sitz bath which helped at first. I don’t want to eat as it’s so painful when it comes out I’m having the smallest amount. I cry when I poo. My husband is so overwhelmed with it all he’s not very supportive in the bathroom area of things. He’s been fantastic with all appointments getting my medication for me. But we are falling out because I’m on too much pain medication to always remember what I need or to write it down!! The consultant told him when they increased my meds he would need to take control of it and to care for him. I feel let down and so sad. He’s working full time and 65 so I get it but just wish he could support me emotionally which he’s way of coping is not too. I’ve always been the one that sorts everything arranges everything cares for everyone. My three adult children can’t do much as they have children of there own, always some bug or something going around so had some window visits but just can’t manage them now. Our daughter has been great and cleaned a couple of time now I’m re ally struggling.sorry for a THE main I have three days next week Monday Tuesday and Wednesday left for radiotherapy and to say I’m dreading it is an understatement the staff are brilliant and caring but the car journeys are so so uncomfortable even with all my pain relief. Why can’r I be one of these lucky people that everything wasn’t too bad for. Laying in bed as I can’t sit on disposable bed sheets looking at toast and wa ting to eat it but crying because it’s going to hurt sooo much coming out. I know I need to eat it because all the medication and strength. Any suggestions would really really appreciated. When will this ease I’ve been told it’ll peak in about two weeks I genuinely don’t know if I’ll cope. Sorry for such a long moan/rant I need advise pls xxx 

  • Hi  you really sound to be going through the mill, things sound dreadful for you. I'm just wondering of you have tried StrataXRT Gel or Instillagel ? I recall people on here recommending these creams as well as polymem dressings.   They may help a little. Please ask the radiotherapy staff tomorrow. 

     You are so close to the end of treatment and you WILL get through it. Pain and tiredness are dragging you down and it's not surprising you feel the way you do. Could you speak to your treating team and ask for a medication review? Although I see that there are issues with your kidneys you shouldn't be left with this level of pain. 

    I totally sympathise with the diarrhoea side of things, have your doctors given you anything for this? It is difficult to get the balance right with medication particularly when you're taking opioid based pain killers. Do you have a special cushion or mattresses to lie on? I got a fantastic cushion from the District Nurses who would have provided a mattress too .   

    Just try and sleep as much as possible through this, you're nearly done and dusted with this treatment. You'll be surprised how quickly you will heal afterwards, hang on in there!  

    You're not moaning about things, this is a tough time for you and you must always feel you can come on here for support. Don't forget, if you need to talk to someone you can always call Macmillan 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week -it's free to call on 0808 808 00 00   Bev x

  • Thank you fir the reply. I’m now using flaninal forte and  another one. I’ve tried the cushion that no later helps it’s more painful now to use it. I’ll ask for a medication review. It’s good to know I’ll start to  heal soon afterwards xx 

  • Aw Green Nanny I so do feel for you and am sending you a big virtual hug.

    I remember well getting to the last 3 days and thinking I can't do it anymore as I know it will cause more pain but I managed and you will too. Then no more travelling and you can rest and heal. 

    I had a district nurse call for first few weeks which was really helpful and good to have someone to look at the sore areas. I used Flamazine once the treatment had finished and also sudocrem was recommended by my district nurse which she suggested mixing with Fifty:50 ointment to thin it down a bit so it goes on easier.  I laid on bed most of the time with nothing on below it was comfiest. 

    I really struggled having a wee so painful and sitz bath was only way for me. The district nurse checked a water sample and I did have a water infection which is worth checking out.

    Same with poos i'm afraid had to use the sitz bath and it was blooming painful but you've got to keep eating.

    Everyone is different and hopefully you'll peak early fingers crossed.  You'll get there and you will cope  I did and never thought I would!  

    Thinking of you 

    Carole xx

  • Hi thank you for the reply I’ve started using the Sitz bath again and it is helping I used it all day and with the two poos. I know what you are saying is right I’ll get through this it’s just really hard at the min but I know it’ll past! I know I must eat but have no interest I had a small slice of toast for breakfast and just had a mint.my stomach and bowels are so upset xx 

  • Hi Greenanny I can totally empathise with your pain. You are near the end of your treatment and then you can concentrate of staying home to heal instead of having to endure the daily treck to hospital. Keep using the sitz bath. One tip I got on here when going through the painful bowel movements was to sing in my head and kind of separate my pain from my body and it did work for me. I didn’t do well with any cushions but used to just lay on my side. With all the pain relief especially opioid based drugs make sure you are taking a stool softener which I cannot stress how important it is to not get constipated. My husband attached an extra large shower hose on the shower and a bidet tap so I could control the flow of water when on the toilet to help keep things clean. When I was near the end of treatment I did start to have lots of sticky discharge from the vagina and the internal skin kept sticking together. I had to keep tearing it open and finally I was given polymem which you cut to size and dampen slightly and place it on your sore bits. It does get better and you are experiencing the tough part. I think some on here may not experience such harsh symptoms from treatment due to the area affected. Your treatment team specialist nurse is your best friend and keep her updated with what you are going through. Sorry your husband is struggling with your pain he probably feels out of his depth and can only offer practical support. It must make them feel a bit helpless when we are going through it. I had never had my husband in the bathroom whilst on the toilet but I do remember one very painful movement which caused a fissure and my husband was sitting next to me holding my hand. Not a good sight I am sure but it is what it is and the end goal it to get rid of this horrible cancer. Take care

  • Hey

    im so sorry your struggling so much. Chat with the team tomorrow they may be able to offer something else.

    i finished my treatment 3 weeks ago. My pain peaked around 6 days after finishing and boy it was bad. I’m lucky though as I have a stoma. I really didn’t want it but I was so greatful during this time. I really feel for you becuse the pain I had was hurrendous and I remember thinking how would I go to the toilet. 

    you will get through it, just keep counting down the days and focus on the end. Lots of sitz baths and park releief. Maybe laxido To keep things soft. 

    Aorry I can’t offer much help but just know you will get there and it’s just another part of the journey done x

  • Oh GreenNanny I hear you.  I was another one who had a very difficult few weeks at the end of treatment, with all the problems that you describe.  I have just answered another new forum member on here and wondered if I should give her the worst view but I did, because for some people, the side effects seem insurmountable.  But please believe me, months down the line, I look back and really think, did I go through that?  I have said before it is a bit like childbirth, you really do forget how awful it was (well for me it was).

    So, a few tips.

    Eating; if you are frightened to eat because of poos hurting, order some Ensure.  This is a drink that has all the recommended daily allowances of everything you need.  Have as many as you can face a day.  Anything you pass will be very very soft, like a baby's poo.

    Sitting; my husband had ordered a very expensive cushion which was just awful and so uncomfortable he sent it back.  He bought a very cheap circular air cushion online from Boots https://www.boots.com/safe-and-sound-health-inflatable-comfort-cushion-10167308 which did the trick for me, I used it in bed and carried it about for car journeys.

    Poos; do them under lukewarm water in your Sitz bath.  Really are less painful.  Urinate in your Sitz bath too.  Easily emptied and cleaned.

    Medication; this is a tricky one, and you do need help.  Can one of you children do a chart for you?  Then all you need to do is tick boxes as you have a dose.

    Sleep; I spent most of the time sleeping when I finished treatment.  Don't try and do anything at all.  I felt the most enormous relief not having the car journey every day and I knew things could only get better.  And, after a couple of weeks, they did.

    Chemo; caused me uncontrollable diarrhoea - I was hospitalised with a temperature and whilst in the emergency bay with my husband didn't even make it to the commode.  I wore Tena pants for about three weeks around the end of treatment.

    Constipation; you have only three days to go, and (in my experience) when finishing chemo the diarrhoea eased off almost immediately and I became constipated with the pain relief.  So be well prepared with Laxido and stool softeners (I use Normacol even now) and start taking them in advance.

    I'm so sorry your husband is emotionally 'absent' - it may well be he is appalled and very upset and frightened by seeing this strong lady who is the carer and nurturer of the family suffering so much.  My heart goes out to you. Three days to go.  You have come so far on this journey, and you will get through this GreenNanny.  We are all thinking of you.  

    Irene xx

    PS And if there is anything else you need to ask, as another who had similar problems, please let me know.

  • Oh Irene thank you so very much. I will remember your advice and words also other members to when I am struggling. You have helped to get off to sleep and ready to fight another day hopefully not to many bad ones left!!! I feel awful moaning about him we all deal with things differently. I’m a cater and love cooking so I go straight into care and cooking mode. Xx 

  • Oh, my poor dear, my heart goes out to you! This stage is just so awful, for some of us more so than others. Try to keep in mind when it's very bad that this is the bottom, and once you're a bit past the treatments, you'll slowly start to come back. You will. You really will.

    I found that sitting in lounge chair, cranked all the way back, with my legs apart and my unmentionables waving in the breeze, helped a little. The poor skin is just so raw, isn't it, and I found it was a relief, short-lived though it was, to just let it all be free with no pants or pads or liners or even ointments and unguents.

    I'm so sorry your husband is so overwhelmed. I get it. I was lucky enough to have friends and family drive me almost the whole time so he could get away from me at work, and was able to be more present and supportive of me when he was home. I hope yours finds his balance and can be there fully for you too.

    We have a meal replacement drink called Ensure. Can you get it there? I lived on it for several weeks.

    Sending you strength, dear one. You're almost through the worst.

